Destroying the house when you’re out; incessant barking in the crate; lunging at people; barking at people…do any of these…
It may have been scientifically proven that dogs feel the same emotions we do, but that doesn’t mean we speak…
Actually not. Lorie Huston, our first official guest column interview since the relaunch of Goodnewsforpets, does anything but roar. Her quiet demeanor…
It doesn’t get much better than Ranny Green. That cool cucumber of a veteran writer with a heart of gold. I…

Are more veterinarians talking to the public about cat care through social media? There’s at least one veterinarian who is trying…
I almost cancelled this year’s week at the beach. If you read my last post you’d know why. There were just a…
Ticks carry Lyme disease, and increasingly people know that. But it’s not only a matter of Lyme, it’s potentially a…
8 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Dog In The Summer Never, ever leave your dog in the car.…
Cocoa was okay with it so I am hoping my friends here will be too. Here it is July and…

Interzoo in Nürnberg confirmed its role as the international pet industry’s leading exhibition once again this year. From 29 May…