Publisher’s Note: This column begins a series “countdown” highlighting the ten 10th Anniversary contest winners, a bit of the “story behind the story as each story was different. Catherine & Chance Harris put their heart and soul in to capturing the essence of “Jack.” It may help other readers get some ideas for our next contest! And don’t forget to check out, the group Chance chose to donate to to help other local pets.
1. How did you hear about
2. How did you hear about the contest itself? What appealed to you?
We were going through some old photos of Jack and started to wonder if there were any pet-related online contests. After a few quick searches, we came across the contest. We thought our pictures would make for a good slideshow. Catherine is very persistent in her claim that Jack is the most adorable dog in the world.
3. How do you plan to use your iPadTM?
Watching movies on-the-go, email, etc. Catherine still doesn’t have a smart phone, so she’ll be happy to have internet on the go.
4. What makes you a dog person/family? Do you have other pets? Is Jack your first/only dog?
We are both dog people–we grew up with dogs, and one of the first things we did after we got married was adopt Jack. That was more than three years ago, and he’s definitely an integral part of the family. Even our parents love their “grand-puppy.”
5. Do you have other activities you do with Jack?
Jack enjoys going for long runs (and we definitely have to spell out W-A-L-K so he won’t get overly excited). His favorite activity is going to see my parents’ dogs and swimming in their pool. He’s extremely social as well, so he loves when we have people come over.
6. Is Jack “your dog” or the families?
Our dog, but he’s Catherine’s dog when he gets in trouble or makes a mess!
7. Why did you select the organization you did for your donation?
Operation Kindness,, is a local no-kill shelter that has a lot of great programs. They do a lot to help match animals to the right adoptive home. They also rely heavily on community support, and this contribution will undoubtedly make a huge impact on their organization.
8. Anything else you would like to add?
Jack’s full name is Jack Bauer. His personality, however, bears little resemblance to his television-star namesake.
Thanks for visiting with us Chance! To view this winning entry, click

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