The International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) has launched a brand new guide on feline stress and health to help veterinary professionals better understand, prevent and manage stress and distress in cats.
The guide, entitled, Feline Stress and Health: Managing Negative Emotions to Improve Feline Health and Wellbeing, is the collaboration of a number of leading authors in feline behaviour, veterinary medicine and welfare, and has been kindly supported by Ceva. Aimed at veterinarians, veterinary nurses/technicians and veterinary students, the purpose of this guide is to help understand why cats can become stressed and distressed in the many environments where veterinary care is provided, including the veterinary surgery and the welfare environment. Additional information on stress within owners’ homes contributes to the picture veterinary professionals need to help improve the health and welfare of cats in the veterinary clinic by avoiding stressors and/or mitigating the effect of stressors, as well as understanding the effect of and advising on stressors in the home environment.
The 160-page guide has been broken down into twelve easily digestible chapters, covering what stress and distress are, what a cat is and why can cats become stressed and/or distressed, and how stress impacts on the behaviour and health of the cat. The guide looks at the causes of stress and distress in different environments, including the veterinary clinic, homing centres, at home and in multi-cat households, and how it can be prevented and managed. This practical guide provides some basic ideas, principles and tips which can be implemented by all veterinary professionals, and will make a huge difference to the cats in their care.
Sarah Ellis, co-editor of the guide and Feline Behaviour Specialist at International Cat Care said: ‘Most of us are well aware that cats can be negatively affected by the veterinary clinic and other confined environments. But how can we really tell what a cat is experiencing and what can we do to improve the situation? This guide offers a great deal of insight into negative emotions underlying the causes of stress and distress in cats and offers practical solutions on how to prevent and manage them.’
The guide is available from International Cat Care’s shop (http://icatcare.org/shop) and is priced at £20.00.

Press enquiries:
Jo Vuckovic, Digital Communications Manager
jo@icatcare.org, +44 (0)1747 871872
Feline Stress and Health book cover
Notes to editors:
About the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM)
ISFM is the veterinary division of International Cat Care. ISFM aims to provide a worldwide resource for veterinarians on feline medicine and surgery.
About International Cat Care (iCatCare)
A charity dedicated to the health and welfare of cats.
The International Cat Care vision:
All cats, owned and unowned, are treated with care, compassion and understanding.
The International Cat Care mission:
To engage, educate and empower people throughout the world to improve the health and welfare of cats by sharing advice, training and passion.
For more information, please visit http://www.icatcare.org or https://www.facebook.com/icatcare

International Cat Care is a charity with the vision of a world where all cats, owned and unowned, are treated with care, compassion, and understanding. We work closely with the veterinary profession through our veterinary division, the International Society of Feline Medicine. All our work is reliant on donations and legacies.
International Cat Care is a charity and company limited by guarantee registered in England
International Cat Care, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire, UK, SP3 6LD
T +44 1747 871872 – F +44 1747 871873 – W www.icatcare.org
Charity # 1117342 – Company # 06002684 – VAT # GB868902576
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