Julie Rowe
The Impetus Agency
Twelfth Annual Global Pet Expo, held March 16-18, in Orlando, FL, featured more booths, buyers and exhibitors than ever in Show’s history
(Greenwich, CT) —Andrew Darmohraj, executive vice president and COO of the American Pet Products Association (APPA) is proud to announce Global Pet Expo 2016 experienced record setting attendance and new product launches during the three-day show. Now in its twelfth year, Trade Show Executive Magazine’s (TSE) “Greatest Show on Earth,” Global Pet Expo, presented by APPA and the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA), featured more than 320,000 net square feet of exhibit space (nearly 10,000 feet larger than 2015), to accommodate the growing numbers in booths and attendees.
In 2016, Global Pet Expo experienced an impressive spike in domestic buyers at 4,679, an 8.4% increase over last year, with a total of 6,170 buyers in attendance. The Show also boasted more than 3,000 new pet product launches, 1,087 exhibitors and 3,218 booths sold – the highest post-show numbers to date. Total show attendance came to 15,478 people.
“For the exhibitors, this is their opportunity to debut the hottest, newest products at the industry’s first show of the year, which is why we consistently enjoy increased buyer attendance each year,” said Darmohraj. “It is incredibly rewarding to experience continued growth and recognition for the Show that has become THE must-attend industry event of the year.”
In fact, Global Pet Expo was recently recognized by TSE as one of the Fastest 50 growing shows by total attendance, net square feet of exhibit space, and by number of exhibiting companies. But, Global Pet Expo doesn’t just receive awards, the Show recognized outstanding individuals in the industry as well. This year, American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) staff Veterinary Advisor and national TV and radio contributor Dr. Heather Loenser was honored with Global Pet Expo’s annual “Excellence in Journalism and Outstanding Contributions to the Pet Industry Award” for her commitment to the industry. Dr. Loenser accepted the award March 17, 2016 at the media-exclusive Purina® Media Reception at Global Pet Expo.
APPA also recognized its President and CEO Bob Vetere with the prestigious Rolf C. Hagen award for his tremendous contributions to the pet industry. Vetere accepted the award at the Annual Pet Industry Breakfast at Global Pet Expo, Thursday, March 17, 2016. And, Pet Business Magazine recognized Steve King, president of PIDA, as the publication’s 2016 Pet Industry Executive of the Year. This award was also given at the Industry Breakfast.
On a truly global front, 21% of exhibitors were international, making up 233 of the 1,087 exhibitors. An impressive 24% of buyers were from outside of the U.S., coming from 76 countries – another clear indication that Global Pet Expo has once again proved itself as a key trading opportunity for companies from around the world.
The 2016 Show also saw record-setting media attendance ranging from pet industry specific magazines and bloggers to major national media outlets like The TODAY Show, ABCNetwork and Fox & Friends. Celebrities like Lisa Vanderpump, Outkast’s Big Boi, Pit Boss Shorty and Christie Rampone were also spotted at this year’s event.
Once again, social media played a large role in communicating all the latest news about the pet industry’s largest annual trade show. Attendees sent 5,031 tweets using the official show hashtag, #GlobalPetExpo, generating more than 33 million impressions and reaching more than 5.4 million people. Online interaction surged #GlobalPetExpo to be a ‘trending topic’ during the event: the ultimate triumph for a dedicated Twitter user. During the Show, Global Pet Expo’s Twitter page garnered more than 330 new followers totaling more than 6,900 followers and Facebook grew by 1,600 to reach nearly 28,000 likes. Global Pet Expo’s YouTube channel experienced a surge as well, with over 700 views of the Show’s exclusive Global Pet Expo TV, which provides daily highlights from each days’ events. The videos are also housed on globalpetexpo.org.
The 2016 Show featured more new product launches than any other show in the industry, and had 950 entries in the 30,000 square-foot New Products Showcase alone. Now in its sixth year, the New Products Showcase Awards Presentation also proved successful. The “Best in Show” ceremony took place on the show floor where awards were handed out to Best in Show, Second and Third place winners across nine categories. Ware Manufacturing took home the top prize in the Cat category with their new “Bark-N-Cats Now Cats Are Really Barking Up the Right Tree” toy and Moody Pet, Inc. took home top Dog category award with their new “Humunga Bling” toy. With more entrants than ever, buyers narrowed down top picks to determine the winners. Visit the press center on GlobalPetExpo.org for a full list of the New Products Showcase winners.
“The level of diversity and innovation in new products launched at Global Pet Expo never ceases to amaze me,” said Darmohraj. “This was another fantastic year filled with everything from high tech and high end products to those that leave people thinking ‘why didn’t I think of that?’” Darmohraj added, “This year’s Show once again demonstrated that there are literally endless opportunities to bring to market products that make owning a pet a more enjoyable, rewarding experience and, in many cases, just plain fun.”
Also released at the Show were pet industry spending figures estimating more than an impressive $62.7 billion in pet spending for 2016, an all-time high; the release can be found in its entirety in the Association’s press center at www.americanpetproducts.org.
Global Pet Expo is open to independent retailers, distributors, mass-market buyers, and other qualified professionals. The 2017 Global Pet Expo will take place Wednesday – Friday, March 22-24, 2017 in Orlando, FL, at the Orange County Convention Center. For details, visit www.globalpetexpo.org.
“We’d like to thank everyone that participated in this year’s Show, making it the biggest Global Pet Expo ever. We look forward to another great Show in 2017,” added Darmohraj.
For more information, interview opportunities or hi-res images from the Show photo gallery, please contact Jamie Baxter at 775-322-4022 or Jamie@theimpetusagency.com.
Global Pet Expo, the pet industry’s largest annual trade show, is presented by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA). The 2016 Show featured 1,087 exhibitors, 3,218 booths and more than 3,000 new product launches. Additionally, 6,170 pet product buyers from around the world attended. Global Pet Expo is open to independent retailers, distributors, mass-market buyers, and other qualified professionals. The 2017 Show will take place March 22-24, 2017 in Orlando, FL at the Orange County Convention Center. For more information, visit www.globalpetexpo.org.
The American Pet Products Association (APPA) is the leading not-for-profit trade association serving the interests of the pet products industry since 1958. APPA membership includes more than 1,200 pet product manufacturers, their representatives, importers and livestock suppliers representing both large corporations and growing business enterprises. APPA’s mission is to promote, develop and advance pet ownership and the pet product industry and to provide the services necessary to help its members prosper. Visit www.americanpetproducts.org for more information.
Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) has represented the interests of pet product distributors since 1968. The mission of PIDA is to enhance the well being of the wholesaler-distributor, to promote partnerships with their suppliers and customers and to work cooperatively with other organizations in fostering the human-companion animal bond. Visit www.pida.org for more information.
– See more at: Global Pet Expo