ATLANTA, April 13 /PRNewswire/ — The Georgia Department of Agriculture is cautioning retailers who may be selling live fish without a license.
“It has come to our attention that there has been a recent trend where stores and florist shops are selling Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish, as part of decorative flower arrangements,” said Commissioner of Agriculture, Tommy Irvin. “If these retailers do not have a license to sell live animals, they are violating Georgia’s Animal Protection Act and could face penalties.”
Consumers are urged to make sure the retailer has a pet dealer’s license before purchasing these arrangements and to make sure they obtain the correct information for the care and maintenance of these fish.
“It also seems there is a misconception out there that there is no need to feed these fish or change the water,” Irvin added. “While these fish eat very little, they still need some kind of sustenance and clean environment to survive. Consumers need to be aware of the responsibilities of caring for these fish and this information can be provided by a licensed pet dealer.”
CONTACT: Arty Schronce or Jack Holt, both of the Georgia Department of Agriculture, 404-656-3689.