At Goodnewsforpets we dedicate ourselves to delivering reputable information to pet parents and people pet professionals, currently the Ebola virus poses a growing concern among the general population, including pet owners. On the news and minds of many, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) works on providing the answers pertaining to the risk that this outbreak poses to our pets. The following is courtesy of the AVMA, outlining the steps they are currently taking to find answers.

Photo: CDC / Cynthia Goldsmith
The death of an international traveler diagnosed in the U.S. as having the Ebola virus disease (EVD), coupled with the precautionary measure by Spanish health officials to euthanize the dog of an exposed healthcare worker, have raised questions and concerns among veterinarians and the public alike:
How will the U.S. react if faced with an increased number of EVD patients?
Is there any chance that what happened in Spain could happen here?
Is it even possible for dogs to get EVD or spread it to humans?
We know that you and your clients are looking for answers, and we’re working to get information for you. The AVMA is collaborating with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and USDA along with other agencies and experts and is tapping into the broad expertise of our member veterinarians to develop information for our members and the public. We will strive to ensure that veterinarians have a prominent voice as these issues are discussed and decided in the U.S.
CDC Questions and answers about Ebola and pets
Ebola virus resources for veterinarians (AVMA members only)
Coverage of the Ebola virus disease is widespread and others have also weighed in to address the concern growing over the Ebola virus disease in the United States, DVM360 Magazine offers a informational handout to better educate and help those concerned about the human and veterinary implications of the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
Concerned pet owners are encourage to read and share this fact sheet with important information about Ebola with friends, family and their community. DVM360 Magazine put this fact sheet together in an effort to address concerns and to help understand the minimal risk of contracting Ebola in the United States.