Source: Dog Writers Association of America:

Date: Sunday, February 10, 2013 at 6:00 pm
Location: Affinia Manhattan Hotel, 371 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001
“The DWAA Annual Awards Banquet” recognizes and rewards those writers who have distinguished themselves in the annual writing contest.
Dog Writers Association of America is the most recognized professional writing association devoted to dogs. Dog Writers Association of America encompasses all aspects of the world of dogs ~ showing, performance, behavior, training, health, and the human animal bond. This annual event is open to members and non-members.
List of Regular Categories:
Canine or All-Animal Newspapers or Newsletters
Internet, Websites or Blogs
Humor, Poetry, Fiction
Other Media
Club Publications: National
The Adopt a Homeless Dog Award
AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Public Service Award
AKC Club Publication Excellence Award
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen Award
The DWAA Distinguished Service Award
Angel on a Leash Award
Dogwise Best Book Award
DWAA Junior Writer Award
Eukanuba Canine Health Award
Merial Human-Animal Bond Award
Morris Animal Foundation Advances in Canine Veterinary Medicine Award
North Shore Animal League America Award
Planet Dog Foundation Sit. Speak. Act. Canine Service Award
PSI First-Canine Award
Pro Plan President’s Award
Wiley-Ellsworth S. Howell Award
The APDT Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S.)
1 Feature or News Story in Newspapers (print)
- Melissa Fay Greene, “Wonder Dog,” New York Times magazine
- Marty van Duyne, “Courageous Canines,” Stafford County Sun
- Yvette Van Veen, “Natural Dog Behavior,” Toronto Star
- Tom Olsen, “Smartest, Toughest Dogs,” The Bend Bulletin (Or.)
- Tom Olsen, “An Evolutionary Love Story,” The Bend Bulletin (Or.)
2 Newspaper Column (print)
- Daris Howard, “Life’s Outtakes,” Standard Jnl. (Idaho)
- Joanne Anderson, “Pets, Pets, Pets,” Amityville Record (N.Y.)
- Sue Owens Wright, “Pets & Their People,” Inside Publications
- Amy Shojai, “P’Etiquette,” Herald Democrat (Texas)
3 All-Breed
- The French Bulletin
- The Royal Spaniels
- AKC Family Dog
4 Single/Related Breeds
- See # 3 above
5 Special Interest or Annuals
- Clean Run
- APDT Chronicle of the Dog
6 Feature in All-Breed Magazine
- Penny Leigh, “Shell Games,” AKC Family Dog
- Todd Schroeder, “Flight of the Nomads,” AKC Family Dog
- Kim Campbell Thornton, “A Wrinkle in Time,” Dog World
- Meredith Wargo, “On the Front Lines,” Dog World
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D., “Imposter!” Dog World
7 Feature in Single or Related Breeds Magazine
- Jill Swan LaCross, “Prevention Begins in Puppyhood,” Just Labs
- Tammi Brown, “Kindred Lives,” The Royal Spaniels
- Gail H. Forsythe, “Toilets & Troubles en route to Helsinki,” Top Notch Toys
8 Feature in Special Interest Magazines/Annuals
- Carol Bryant, “Sherlock Bones Meets Paw & Order,” Fido Friendly Mag.
- Adam Williams, “Loved & Found,” Rally to Rescue Mag.
- Doug Forsythe, “The Beginning and End of the Hunt,” Ruffed Grouse Soc.
- Sharon Pflaumer, “Vapor Wake Detection Canines,” Dog News
8-2 Annuals
- Meredith Wargo, “Suites for the Sweet,” Dogs USA
- Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz, “Heart Healers,” Dogs USA
- Eve Adamson, “Know the Group, Know the Dog,” Puppies USA
- Debbie Swanson, “Temporary Puppy,” Dogs USA
9 Feature in Mainstream Magazines
- Elizabeth M. Jarrell, “Song of the Wild,” The Goddard View
- Christine A. Verstraete, “Foster Families for Pets,” Prime magazine
10 Training or Behavior Article in Any Magazine
- Beth Mares, “Bad Dog Gone Good,” AKC Family Dog
- Robert Amen, “Front of Her Class,” AKC Family Dog
- Stephanie M. Colman, “Safe Swimming,” Whole Dog Journal
- Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz, “Do It Right the First Time,” Puppies USA
11 Regular Column or Series in Any Magazine
- Michael H. Faulkner, “The Lighter Side of Judging,” Dog News
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D., “Breeder’s Notebook,” Dog World
- Deb M. Eldredge, DVM, “Health Matters,” Dogs in Review
- Brian Patrick Duggan, “Saluki column,” AKC Gazette
12 Canine newspaper or newsletter
- Discoveries, AKC Canine Health Foundation
- Homeward Bound! (Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue)
13 Health or Care Article in Canine Newsletters
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D., “Novel Therapies & TK Blood Test,” Purina – German Shepherd Dogs
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D., “Candidate Genes for Protein Enteropathy,” Purina – Yorkshire Terriers
- AKC Canine Health Foundation, “Oh, That Flexible Neck,” Discoveries
- AKC Canine Health Foundation, “Feet on the Ground,” Discoveries
- Kim Campbell Thornton, “The Bichon Was At Risk,” Your Dog
14 Article on Any Other Topic in Canine Newsletters
- Stacey Ritz, “The Myth of Pet Overpopulation,” Dog Living Mag.
- Stacey Ritz, “Building a Lasting Bond,” Dog Living Mag.
- Paul Glassner, “Jackson: A Tale of Intensive Caring,” North Bay Pets: Sonoma Humane Society
15 Websites
- AKC Canine Health Foundation
- Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America
16 Feature Internet Article
- Steve Duno, “Heart Dogs: Lou,” The Seattle Times
- Ranny Green, “Heart Dogs: Abbe,” The Seattle Times
- James Colasanti, Jr., “Saving Sadie Summerfield,” Petwarmers
- Dan Sayers, “Everybody Loves Elvis,” Best in Show Daily
- Susan Chaney, “Connecticut Vet Listens,” Best in Show Daily
17 Internet Series or Column
- Nancy Tanner, “Living with a Dog Outside of Neutral,”
- Dean Rutz, “Saying Goodbye to Sandy/Gracie’s Four Months of Bliss/Dillon Comes Full Circle,” The Seattle Times
18 On-line Magazines (primary distribution)
- Dog Gone Art
- AKC Canine Partners News
- AKC Gazette
19 Blogs
- Nancy Tanner, “When Seniors Have Dogs”
- Nancy Tanner, “Top 10 Tips for Puppy Owners”
- Patti Lawson, “She Sleeps”
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D., “11 Famous Canine War Veterans”
- Lisa Freeman, “Bully Dogs or Healing Dogs?”
- Lisa Freeman, “Healing Hearts”
20 Single Photos
- Mary Fish Arango, “Focus on Agility,” Borderlines
- Kent Dannen, “Samoyed and Red Bud,” Samoyeds 2013 Calendar
- Anna LeBlanc, “Lance,” The Corgi Cryer
21 Single Illustration or Painting
- Kathryn D. George, “Golden Memories” Collie cover
- Chet Jezierski, “Peter Green,” Dog News
22 Series of Photography, Illustrations or Paintings
- Kent Dannen, “Norwegian Elkhounds,” Dog Fancy
- Lena Svalling Ekdal, “Digital Artistry,” The Royal Spaniels Mag.
- Chet Jezierski, “The Garden,” Dog News
- Christine Kurker and Anna LeBlanc, “Oh, Those Puppies,” The Corgi Cryer
- Bud Boccone, “Dog People,” AKC Gazette
23 Posters, Calendars, Brochures and Pamphlets
- 2012 Calendar, “The Golden Life,” Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota
- 2012 Calendar, “Living Art Calendar,” AKC Canine Health Foundation
- 2012 Calendar, “Nutmeg Portuguese Water Dog Club”
24 Humorous Art
- Eleanor Alford, “Humorous Art,” The French Bulletin
- James Colasanti, Jr., “Butchy and My Halloween Escapade,” Petwarmers
- Arlie Amarie Alford, “Could This Happen to You?” The French Bulletin
- Patti Lawson, “Dog Gets Last Laugh on Lawyer,” Charleston Daily Mail
- Barbara E. Magera, “The First Time . . . Nationals!” The Royal Dispatch
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D., “The Chicken Story,” Central Fla. Assn. of Saluki Hounds
- Michael H. Faulkner, “Tomatoes,” Dog News
25 Humorous writing
- See #24 above
26 Poetry, Short Fiction
- Leslea Newman, “I Remember: Hachiko Speaks,” Finishing Line Press
- Jason Smith, “Taillights,” Just Labs
- Donna Owczarek, “Glimmer,” AKC Family Dog
- Debbi Kennedy, “Twas the Night before Show Day,” The French Bullytin
- Jenny Pavlovic, “Why I Don’t Shovel All of the Snow,” 8 State Hurricane Kate
- Jenny Pavlovic, “September 11,” 8 State Hurricane Kate
27 Opinions/Editorials in Any Medium
- Joanne Anderson, “New Year’s Revelations,” Amityville Record
- Dusty Rainbolt, “K9 Veteran’s Day – Dad’s War Dogs,”
- Holly Cornwell, “Kindness, A Dying Virtue,” Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada Annual
- Leah Swatko, “The Night Rosie Wouldn’t Take No for an Answer,” The Royal Spaniels
28 CD or DVD
- Carol Erickson Kardon, “We Are Our Dogs,” KYW-TV (Philadelphia)
- Virginia Broitman, “Fido Refined”
- Julia Robertson, “From Tongue to Tail,” Galen Natural Progression
- Emma Parsons and Julie Robitaille, “TACT,” Clean Run
29 Broadcast – TV or Radio
- See # 28 above
30 Podcasts
- Amy Shojai, “Angel on a Leash on Pet Peeves,”
- AKC Canine Health Foundation, “Canine Allergies”
- Sarah Montague and Lisa Peterson, “AKC’s Pick of the Litter – Aug. 2012”
- Sarah Montague and Lisa Peterson, “AKC’s Pick of the Litter – Feb. 2012”
- Pilar Kuhn, “Gabriel Rangel Podcast with Pilar,” Best in Show Daily
31 Magazine format
- The Saint Fancier (St. Bernard Club of America)
- The Courier Magazine (Portuguese Water Dog Club of America)
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi Newsletter (Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America)
32 Newsletter format
- The Scottie Scuttlebutt (Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club)
- Sombrero (Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club)
33 Feature
- Brenda L. Blumling, “Dogs and Storks,” The Saint Fancier
- Fiona Petersen, “I’m Talking to You – Why Aren’t You Listening?” The Corgi Cryer
- Mary Fish Arango, “The Pleasure of a Well-Socialized Puppy,” Borderlines
- Nancy Villwock, “Living with Glaucoma,” The Dirty Beards (Bouvier des Flandres Club)
- Robin Lee, “A Tale of Two Pups: Aussies Aid in Veteran’s Healing,” Aussie Times
34 Regular Column or Series
- Cheryl Zappala, “Avoiding an Avalanche of Anxiety,” The Saint Fancier
- Diana Kerew-Shaw, “Obedience News,” West L.A. Obedience Training Club
- Elizabeth M. Jarrell, “Just So,” The Aussie Times
35 Special Club Publications
- American Sealyham Terrier Club – Illustrated Standard
- Pembroke Welsh Corgis in America – 2011 Handbook
- Golden Memories, The Quarter Century Collie group
36 Single, Related Breeds or All Breeds
- Havanese (McRae) – TFH Breed Lover’s Guide
- Australian Shepherd (Jarrell) – TFH Breed Lover’s Guide
- Meet the Shih Tzu – AKC/Bow Tie
37 General Interest or Reference
- Little Boy Blue (Kavin) – Barron’s
- Show Dog (Dean) – Harper-Collins
- Between Dog and Wolf (Addams/Miller) – Dogwise
- Do Dogs Dream? (Coren) – Norton
38 Care, Health, Training, Behavior
- Woof! We’ve Got Something to Tell You (Lynch) – Best Friend Mktg.
- Lipstick and the Leash (Gray-Nelson) – Double Dove
- Puppy Problems? No Problem (Aloff) – Dogwise
- Juvenile Delinquent Dogs (Brown) – The Light of Dog/Dogwise
39 Fiction, Mystery or Humor
- The Dog Who Danced (Wilson) – St. Martin’s Press
- Protect and Serve (Larsen) – Hands On Publishing
40 Children’s
- Super Cowboy Rides (Howard) – WiDo
- The Watching (Williams) – Corgi Aid
- Harry Taylor – Who Dat Dog? (Taylor) – Mascot Pub.
- Every Day’s a Dog’s Day (Singer) – Penguin
41 Soft-cover Guides on Any Dog-Related Subject
- Mind Games for Dogs (Whitehead) – Dogwise
- Fetching the Perfect Dog Trainer (Jones) – Dogwise
- Showing Kunga (Noden) – Dogwise
42 Pet Guides
- Dogs 101 – West Highland White Terrier (Eldredge) – TFH
- Dogs 101 – American Pit Bull Terrier (Ewing) – TFH
- Smart Owner’s Guide – Border Collies (Bedwell-Wilson) – Bow Tie
43 Human/Animal Bond
- Angel on a Leash (Frei) – Bow Tie
- One Unforgettable Journey (Stallings/Lacoste) – CreateSpace
- Faithful Friends (Bulanda) – Cladach
The Adopt a Homeless Dog Award
Sponsored by, is presented to the entry that best describes the plight of homeless dogs, the joy of dog adoption, and/or improving the quality of life of dogs in a shelter environment. Entries will be judged for quality as well as the ability to persuade the reader. Qualified online only entries include single articles, features, columns, series of articles, short stories, websites, blogs, videos photos or d any other accepted online venue. The award consists of $500 and inclusion in the online library.
AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Public Service Award
Sponsored by the American Kennel Club, this award goes to the writer of a print or online feature article that best educates pet owners about responsible dog ownership. The award consists of a plaque and a $500 cash grant. To enter, submit one article, which must also be entered in this year’s contest in one of the regular categories.
AKC Club Publication Excellence Award
This award is for the best article in a national, regional, or local AKC club publication in magazine or newsletter format. The award consists of a plaque and a $500 cash grant.
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen Award
Sponsored by the American Kennel Club, this award is for the best writing about the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program or the puppy level of CGC, AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy. Recognized as the ‘gold standard’ for family dog manners, CGC and AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy focus on teaching good manners to dogs and responsible dog ownership to dog owners. This award is a $500.00 cash award.
The DWAA Distinguished Service Award
Sponsored by the American Kennel Club, this award honors extraordinary achievement and communications excellence. It recognizes the person who, by word, deed, exemplary conduct, public communication and professional excellence, best promotes the interest of the sport of dogs. The award consists of a plaque and a $1,000 cash grant. Do not apply for this award.
Angel on a Leash Award
Sponsored by David Frei in honor of Angel On a Leash therapy dog teams and programs around the country, for the best newspaper or magazine article or television news feature about the impact of the use of therapy dogs in health care facilities. The award consists of $250.00 cash grant.
Dogwise Best Book Award
Sponsored by Dogwise Publishing. $500.00 to the author of the best book. The winner will be chosen by the president of DWAA from the winners of all the book categories.
DWAA Junior Writer Award
Sponsored by Karen Petit for writers under 18 years of age. This award is to recognize and encourage young writers who exhibit talent, resourcefulness, dedication, and integrity in their writing about dogs and dog-related topics. Award: $300 cash grant, DWAA Maxwell Medallion and lapel pin.
Eukanuba Canine Health Award
Offered by the Iams Company-For the article or book that best promotes the health and well-being of dogs. The award consists of a $1,000.00 cash grant.
Merial Human-Animal Bond Award
For the work that best highlights the unique relationship between a dog and its owner and best brings to life the concept of the human-animal bond. The ward consists of $500.00 cash grant and $250.00 travel grant if winner attends the awards banquet.
Morris Animal Foundation Advances in Canine Veterinary Medicine Award
This award recognizes the newspaper, magazine, or online article, excluding syndicated columns written by veterinarians, that best informs the public about cutting edge advances in veterinary medicine for dogs. Entries will be judged on clarity, accuracy, and topic originality. The award is $500.00 cash grant.
North Shore Animal League America Award
For all media which best supports the missions of the League’s program, encouraging spay/neuter initiatives as a way of reducing unwanted births and pet euthanasia rates; focus can be on the community-wide programs or individual responsibility of pet owners. Award: $500.00 cash grant.
Planet Dog Foundation Sit. Speak. Act. Canine Service Award
For all media. For the best story promoting and celebrating a program in which dogs serve and support their best friends, by highlighting service dogs, therapy dogs, K-9 search and rescue, or police dogs. Award: $500.00 cash grant.
PSI First-Canine Award
Sponsored by Pet Sitters International, this award is presented to the best humorous feature story or article. The winner will receive a certificate and $350 cash grant.
Pro Plan President’s Award
Pro Plan offers a $750 cash grant. This is the Best in Show chosen from all the winners of the individual categories. Do not apply for this award.
Wiley-Ellsworth S. Howell Award
$500.00 award for the best writing on judging, exhibiting, dog-show reporting, or any other aspect of conformation showing. This award is made at the discretion of the publisher.
The APDT Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S.) Award
For Best Positive Training Book Award amount: $250. The purpose of this award is to highlight the book that exemplifies the APDT Canine Life and Social Skills program the most through the promotion of training based on:
- The use of primarily positive reinforcement.
- Building relationships with our dogs based on trust and communication.
- Emphasizing the mutual fun and joy that can be had by training one’s dog.
- Encouraging the acquisition of “real life” skills to increase public access for dogs.
The book that receives the award should also be consistent with the APDT’s mission statement and guiding principles:
Mission: To represent and advance the dog training profession through education and advocacy. Guiding Principles
- We provide educational resources to build dog trainers’ skills and knowledge.
- We promote the use of reward-based training methods, thereby minimizing the use of aversive techniques.
- We educate trainers, allied animal professionals, the media, and the public about the value of training.
- We foster effective communication and cooperation among dog trainers.
- We provide members with resources that empower them to build successful businesses.
- We build alliances with companion animal professions.