Publisher’s Note: This column is the sixth in a series “countdown” highlighting the ten 10th Anniversary iPadTM contest winners, a bit of the “story behind the story. Winner Joe Canning is a cat lover extraordinaire. He’s able to capture those precious moments in so many beautiful ways. What struck us about this video was the beauty of the human-animal bond between his cats and his children. . Don’t forget to check out the link to Floyd County Animal Rescue League, his local rescue group that received his $500 matching donation to help other pets.
By Joe Canning
I found out about via a posting on the web site. We then learned about the video contest via an email announcement from Goodnewsforpets. What appealed to me the most about the contest was the theme and the opportunity to win a donation to our local animal rescue foundation.

I use the iPad I won for showing pictures, videos of family and pets and for surfing the net without being tied to my desk. It’s such a great device that I am finding a thousand things to do with it.
My wife and I both grew up with pets. Shortly after we were married we adopted our first two adult cats. They were so much fun and added such a new dimension to our young family. With each of their individual personalities they never ceased to entertain and show their affection for us. Those two cats have since passed on but they opened the door for us to adopt several more cats over the years.

I wanted my video to tell a story of how a little holiday magic could make an ornament come to life and show the images of love and affection that our pets share with us. The video showcases four of our cats (Junior, Marty, Cinnamon and Hope) with Junior being featured the most. Junior has been with us for 5 years and has bonded closely with my oldest son William. I can generally find Junior with William from the moment he gets up until the time he goes to bed. They truly are the best of friends.
Outside of being the focus of some of my videos, my cats enjoy the good life of sleeping and playing. They love to hang out with everyone and always seem to find a way to make us laugh.
I would like to think that our cats love us all the same (and we them) but I know Junior favors my son William and Marty my son Tyler. I would hate to say that I have a favorite but our latest addition (Hope) is very special.

We selected the Floyd County Animal Rescue League for our donation. We were introduced to the organization through a good friend (a veterinarian) who donates much of her time helping this group. They do so much for the homeless animals in our area and we would like to assist them in any way we can.
I was so floored to find out that we were one of the winners of the 10th Anniversary contest. With so many great entries in the contest, I feel honored to be selected. Thank you again for choosing our video as a winning entry.