A: Some of the most common surgeries include: ACL surgery, dislocated knee caps, fracture repair, slipped disks in the back…
Author Lea-Ann Germinder
Fear of loud noises, especially thunder and fireworks, is a common phobia in dogs. It’s usually displayed by hiding, whining,…
Hillsborough, NJ (June 15, 2009) — The Winn Feline Foundation announces that for the second consecutive year the HomeAgain Pet…
Federal authorities have provided additional guidance for veterinarians on how to electronically send Veterinary Feed Directive drug orders. New animal…
MONTREAL – The 2009 ACVIM Forum & Canadian VMA Convention hosted over 3,400 veterinary specialists, general practitioners, technicians and students…
Each year, thousands of kittens are born during spring and summer — and many end up in animal shelters, waiting…
Denver (May 28, 2009) As part of its ongoing effort to promote cat and kitten adoption, American Humane created Adopt-A-Cat…
The AVMA Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams, after retooling, are ready again to deploy to the scene of a natural disaster…
A: Kyra Sedgwick adopted her 10 year old Labrador, Polly and her 11 year old cat, Laura from a California…