Feline Heartworm Disease Heartworm infection takes place when a mosquito carrying infective, microscopic-size heartworm larvae, bites into a cat for…
Author Lea-Ann Germinder
Acanthocheilonema reconditum (A. reconditum) (formerly called Dipetalonema reconditum) scientific name for a harmless parasite occasionally found in dogs. Important because…
Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms living in the arteries of the lungs…
The American Heartworm Society (AHS) has re-launched its Web site, www.heartwormsociety.org, with a new look focusing on this summer’s 12th…
In This Section AHS Media Contacts News Releases Selected Milestone Events in Heartworm Disease Background Information Signs of Heartworm Disease…
ORLANDO, Fla., North American Veterinary Conference – (Jan. 14, 2007) The American Heartworm Society (AHS) has announced the “2007 Guidelines…
(Batavia, Ill.) Since the first diagnosis of canine heartworm disease over one hundred years ago, heartworm infection has been widely…
ORLANDO, Fla., North American Veterinary Conference – (Jan. 14, 2007) The American Heartworm Society is proud to announce the 12th…
But New Guidelines Take Some of the Sting Out of Heartworm Disease During the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine…
The latest research on heartworm disease, treatment andprevention was the focus of the Triennial American HeartwormSociety’s State of the HEARTWORM…