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AKC “National Pet Fire Safety Day” Tips to Keep Pets Safe

pet fire safety

With “National Pet Fire Safety Day” approaching on July 15th, Goodnewsforpets is sharing some important information on how to keep our furry friends safe from home fires. We recent celebrated June’s National Pet Preparedness Month, but pet safety is an integral part of responsible pet ownership and a year long practice.

To help reduce the estimated 500,000 pets affected by home fires each year, The American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services launched “National Pet Fire Safety Day” in 2009. Nearly 1,000 house fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners’ pets, according to a data analysis by the National Fire Protection Association.This nationwide awareness day educates pet owners about potential risks when pets are left home alone and provides them with proven prevention measures to ensure their safety.

The AKC has provided the following tips to help protect your home and loved ones from accidental fire:

Prevent Your Pet From Starting Fires

Keep Your Pets Safe


Source: American Kennel Club


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