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July 15 is National Pet Fire Safety Day

Help Protect Pets from Home Fires

– AKC and ADT Offer Prevention & Rescue Tips –

To help reduce the estimated 500,000 pets affected by home fires each year, the American Kennel Club (AKC) and ADT Security Services launched “National Pet Fire Safety Day.” This nationwide awareness day educates pet owners about potential risks when pets are left home alone and provides them with proven prevention measures to ensure their safety.

According to a recent AKC study, 88% of pet owners consider their pets to be valued family members so it makes sense to include them in fire prevention plans and rescue alerts should a house fire strike. As part of National Pet Fire Safety Day, AKC and ADT have developed helpful prevention, escape and rescue tips for pet owners.

As part of National Pet Fire Safety Day, the American Kennel Club’s Lisa Peterson leads Justice, a Labrador Retriever and home fire survivor, through a mock apartment at the FDNY Fire Museum to point out safety tips.

“One of the hallmarks of responsible dog ownership is keeping pets safe and planning for unexpected emergencies, including house fires,” said AKC spokesperson Lisa Peterson. “Pet proofing the home, developing pet-friendly escape routes and alerting rescuers of your pets presence with ‘window clings’ is the best way to keep your four-legged family member from harm.”

That’s something Lia Wentworth of Maryland knows well. One Sunday morning she and her family left their Labrador Retriever “Justice” home alone. They didn’t realize they left a pot of boiling water with plastic baby bottles on the stove. When the water evaporated, the bottles began to emit a toxic smoke. No one knew Justice was in trouble because there was no flame. Luckily, the Wentworth’s had a monitored smoke detector and the firefighters were alerted. Their prompt response saved Justice’s life.

“After ADT alerted us that the fire alarm had been activated, we rushed home. We had one thought the whole way there, and that was the fate of our beloved pet. The minutes passed like hourstrying to get home to him,”Wentworth said. “I can’t describe the relief and gratitude I felt in seeing Justice playing with the firefighters in front of our home. Along with smoke alarms, I encourage everyone to have a home fire monitoring system. Ours was there when we couldn’t be, and called for help because Justice couldn’t. Withoutthat system, there would literally be no Justice in this world.”

“National Pet Fire Safety Day” Tips to Keep Pets Safe from House Fires:

“Each September as part of AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days, we educate first-time dog owners about what dog ownership entails. This year we are pleased to distribute ADT pet alert ‘window clings’ at our flagship event in Raleigh, North Carolina and at the more than 600 local events nationwide to focus attention on how to potentially save pets’ lives,” Peterson added.

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