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Weather Channel Provides Pets Planner

To help pet owners care for their precious canine or feline family members in all kinds of weather conditions, The Weather Channel offers a pet-specific forecast at

Owners enter their location and provide some basic facts about their pet, such as age, size and hair length. Users are then returned a personalized “PetCast” with information on how to care for their pet in forecasted conditions, including weather-triggered alerts, an outdoor comfort index, the best time to walk their dog, flea activity and more.

Expert meteorologists at The Weather Channel developed the unique PetCast, with input from veterinarians.

The Pets Planner includes:

Initial feedback from users appears to confirm that the Web site has found favor with animal lovers " and even animals, themselves. One comment noted that when hearing “Let’s go check the weather,” the user’s Bichon Frise responded by running to the computer.

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