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So Many Ways To Help Pets: Including Apps!

By Stacy Mantle

Publisher’s Note: This column is the fifth in a series “countdown” highlighting the ten 10th Anniversary iPadTM contest winners, a bit of the “story behind the story. Winner Stacy Mantle promotes the well-being of animals in many ways " as a rescue volunteer, pet writer, pet lover and more. Her interview is chock full of tips on how to’s such as suggestions for iPad downloads and more. Don’t forget to check out the link to Mixed Up Mutts, her local rescue group that received her $500 matching donation to help other pets.

How did you hear about

I’ve always followed, but generally just check in as I remember. I’ve since subscribed so I can stay up-to-date on the latest news about pets.

How did you hear about the 10th Anniversary iPad contest itself?

I ran across the site on a search for something else!

What appealed to you?

Of course, the writing aspect of any contest is a big appeal for me. And being able to share what has become a tradition for my family and a benefit for the many animals without a home.

How do you use your iPad?

The first Apps we downloaded were PetSaver, Paw Card, DogDoctor, and CatDoctor. Our animals are first and foremost to us, and we plan to use the iPad at various rescue events, to update and of course to educate ourselves and others on pet care and emergency services for animals.

What makes you such a pet person/family?

I’ve had animals as long as I can remember, and they are often more “human” than most people I know. I’ve always had a great connection with my pets, and I love doing what I can to make a difference in the lives of those without homes. Naturally, I married a person who feels the same way! Animals will always play an important role in our lives.

Can you tell us more about your story and what you were trying to achieve?

In our story, Christmas Surprise, we were trying to emphasize the importance of fostering animals. Each year, we make an effort to save at least 3 animals from death. Sometimes they are puppies or kittens, but many times we have larger adult pets come in that have been abandoned. If every family made an effort to do this, just think of the lives that could be saved!

Have you always had dogs?

I’ve had dogs since I was born. In fact, there is not a childhood picture of without me holding a book or an animal. It seemed natural to combine my love of both and become an “animal writer” when I grew up! My mom was deathly allergic to cats, so I wasn’t able to have one until I moved out. And then I had several!

Do you prefer a certain kind of dog?

I love all animals – big or small. But, I do have a particular affinity for large breed dogs and wolf hybrids. Wild animals capture m imagination and if I were better in math, I just may have become a biologist.

Do you have other activities you do with your dogs?

We travel, hike, do product reviews, watch TV, play fetch and hang out together. Cheiss is a natural “herding dog,” and so we’re looking at getting him trained to help on ranches. He’s also an excellent dad to the foster puppies and is patient enough to teach them the ins and outs of being a great companion animal.

Why did you select Mixed Up Mutts for your donation?

Mixed Up Mutts is a fantastic organization that rescues and adopts out dogs (and cats) of all types. They have never missed an adoption day at Petsmart in Arizona and travel great distances to pick up dogs that desperately need homes. They were the sponsors of this year’s batch of foster puppies and due to my being an over-protective “mom”, have incurred a veterinary bill! The money will help many dogs and cats get spayed, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and adopted into caring homes!

Anything else you would like to add?

Since I never win anything, it goes without saying how excited we are to be a part of this amazing contest. We really want to thank Good News for Pets for holding the contest, showcasing some amazing stories and providing an opportunity to give back in an economy that is challenging (at best).

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