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Purple Daze

AVMA Convention newsWe wrapped up a great American Veterinary Medical Conference this year in Denver, Colorado, land of the purple mountains majesty, and for whatever reason purple seemed to be the color of choice.  Ceva Animal Health‘s Vectra t-shirt promotion was wildly successful as we saw conference attendees not just wearing the very attractive t-shirt the first day but each and every day of the conference. Thank goodness those pins depicting bug bites weren’t real either -ouch! For more on the Why Wait for the Bite campaign, visit here.

I visited the PRN Pharmacal booth to hear all about Cameo Otic Ointment where sales are going great, but missed newly appointed Vice President of Marketing Patrick Powell. I hope to get to see him in a few weeks a the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor Homecoming Event or the Kansas City Investment Forum along with the rest of the animal health industry as we honor Iron Paw recipient Ron Brakke.  I understand there will be quite a bit of significant breaking news as well. Shhh.

A special and well deserved kudos to Ralph Johnson, Executive Director of the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association and a former president of ASVMAE for being honored as this year’s AVMA Humane Award.

The Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative (WVLDI) sponsored by Ceva Animal Health took up a bunch of my time, oh but with pleasure.  It’s hard to keep up with Karen Bradley, President as she and her board continue to push the envelope forward.  It was wonderful to hear the Hot Topics on Sunday, the Stories from the Trenches on Monday and wrap up with the cake and reception on Monday evening.  Congratulations on a great conference AVMA.

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