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PrideVMC Celebrates Pride 2022 and GIBOR Signatories


Relief Rover Virtual 5K, June 4-25, 2022 with PrideVMC as beneficiary.

Global #VetMedPride Celebration, June 10, 2022, 3:00-4:00pm CT.

VMI: The Power of Affinity Groups – Celebrating Diversity Part 2 @ NABVC 2022, Saturday, June 18 @ 12:00-12:30pm ET, Columbus, OH. Hybrid event, free to join virtually.

Cocktails and Colleagues in partnership with PrideVMC @ ACVIM Forum 2022, June 24, 5:45-7:00pm CT, ACC Ballroom A, Austin, TX.

AAVMC & PrideVMC Film Festival – Official film selections: Carol, Milk, Moonlight, and Paris is Burning. Check back for more info including virtual discussion date!

PrideVMC @ AVMA 2022, PrideVMC Annual Meeting and Happy Hour, Saturday, July 30, 2022 @ 5:00-6:30pm ET, Frankin Hall 6, Marriott 4th floor. PrideVMC Town Hall with co-presenters Dr. Abby McElroy and Dr. Dane Whitaker, Monday, August 1 @ 9:00-9:50 am ET, PA Convention Center, Room 116.

PrideVMC Happy Hour @ IVECCS 2022, Date TBD.

PrideVMC Happy Hour @ AAEP 2022, Date TBD.

Veterinary Kaleidoscope Summit 2023, hosted by Australian Rainbow Vets and Allies (ARVA), in association with World Pride 2023, Feb 27-28, 2023 in Sydney, Australia.


On June 9, 2021 the Pride Veterinary Medical Community (PrideVMC) diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) working group published a Gender Identity Bill of Rights (GIBOR) as part of a focused effort to address inequality and inequity throughout the entire veterinary profession.

The gender diverse community, specifically transgender women of color, have been leaders of the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights. The gender diverse community has been in the national spotlight for the last decade, targeted with restroom bills, medical access bills and the increasing number of current identity legislation highlighting the need for continued activism and allyship.

PrideVMC acknowledges the importance of clear and unequivocal commitment to equality, equity, and the human rights of the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals of the diverse LGBTQ+ family in a time where the acceptance by the general public is uncommon.

PrideVMC celebrates the 556 individuals and 96 organizations that have signed their support for the Gender Identity Bill of Rights including:

PrideVMC is calling on all members of the veterinary profession to recognize the existence, humanity and worth of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people in our profession. The organization asks that you continue this journey with them by signing on to support PrideVMC’s Gender Identity Bill of Rights by completing the signatory form.

A follow up implementation guide, the Gender Diversity Guide, will be published later this year. All individuals and organizations that sign and commit to the bill of rights will be provided access to the manual. In the meantime the newly released GIBOR overview video and “Next steps for transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming belonging in veterinary medicine” are available to support your education and awareness journey.


Pride month and Pride marches in June originate from the protest march dubbed the Stonewall Uprising.  This uprising began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, New York City. This was seen as a chance for members of the LGBTQ+ community to come together and stand up for overdue rights.  For many the march was then, and is now, a way to be seen and a chance to live authentically. The Pride Veterinary Medical Community (PrideVMC) was founded on that history with a mission of creating a better world for the LGBTQ+ veterinary community and a vision for an empowered LGBTQ+ veterinary community that embraces wellbeing by being their authentic selves.  Visit to learn more about, and join, Pride 2022 activities and events. Everyone is welcome!

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