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How many pet parents make New Year’s resolutions for their pet?

pet parent new years resolutions

As we head into a new decade, it’s time to reflect on what personal goals we want to accomplish. It seems this tradition has expanded to include New Year’s resolutions for pets too!

Sixty-one percent of pet owners have made a resolution for their dog or cat in 2019, according to new research done by OnePoll. Don’t expect this trend to change in 2020! New Year’s resolutions include a promise to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. Pets deserve the chance to make resolutions and it’s up to pet parents to help!

Goodnewsforpets has some resolution ideas that can work for you and your pet here. If your resolutions include travel head over to our Hot Products section to find out more about a fab carrier find from Frisco.

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