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Official CWA 2017 List of Muse Medallion Winners

CWA, Cat Writers

The Cat Writers’ Association 24th Annual Awards Banquet was held in Houston Saturday, June 9, 2018. For a live stream of the event, check out the Facebook stream here and on Instagram at @catwriters_com

Following is the list of 2017 Muse Medallion award winners:

I.1 Monthly Magazine: National

Teresa Keiger

Cat Talk magazine

October 2017 issue

December, 2017 issue

June, 2017 issue


I.2 Magazine Article: Health & General Care

Kim Thornton

New Advice on Sterilizing Kittens: Earlier is Better


I.4 Magazine Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Candine Lee Jackson

Hawaii’s Cat Sanctuary


I.5 Magazine Article: Any Other Topic

Jen Reeder

Holy Guacamole


I.6 Magazine Column

JaneA Kelley

Life with Cattitude: Keep it Clean


II.3 Newspaper Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Jen Reeder

Oldies but Goodies


II.5 Newspaper Column

Deborah Camp

The Best of the Pet World

Some Animals Rely on Strangers for Survival

Pets are Part of Our Family — vets are too

Lost Kitty Found through Social Media


III.2 Newsletter: National Circulation

Deb M. Eldredge, DVM and Cindy Foley

Cornell University CatWatch


III.4 Newsletter Article: Health & General Care

Deb M. Eldredge, DVM

Take Charge of your Cat’s Dental Health


III.5 Newsletter Article: Behavior & Training

Kate Eldredge

Teach your Cat to Like her Carrier


III.6 Newsletter Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Matt Carl

ACR Sends Team to Help Pets Affected by Hurricane Harvey


III.7 Newsletter Article: Any Other Topic

Ramona Marek

Make Sure your Cat’s Microchip Works!


III.8 Newsletter Column

Lyn T. Garson

Technically Speaking

Can Cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia Live Happy, Healthy Lives?

Timothy’s View

Keep your Pets, Get Rid of your Allergies


IV.1 Short Story

Mollie Hunt

The Dream Spinner


IV.2 Poem

Mollie Hunt



IV.5 Annual or Long Publication

Bernadette Kazmarski

Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2018: Pittsburgh C.A.T. Calendar


IV.7 PR / Humane Education / Press Kits

Brianna Grant

Alley Cat Rescue calls on Australian municipality to reverse community cat bounty


IX.2 Black & White Photography (series)

Matt Carl

Babies Bath Time


IX.3 Color Photograph (single)

Janiss Garza

Summer Fun


IX.5 Photographic Art

Lisa Richman

Maxwell’s Musings


IX.6 Cartoon

Stephanie Piro



IX.7 Illustration (single)

Yasaar Nakchbendi

5 Ways to a Happy, Enriched Cat

Happy Cat Month graphic

Happy Cat Month pin


IX.8 Illustration (Series)

Karen Nichols

Cat Scouts 2018 Calendar


V.1 Books: Fiction

Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Shining Bright


V.2 Books: For Children

Austin Redinger

Caring for your Kitty


V.5 Books: Gift

Layla Morgan Wilde

Black Cats Tell All: True Tales and Inspiring Images


V.6 Books :Poetry

Vicky Pittman

Cat Haiku: Sweet Verses


V.7 Books: Other

Sandy Lerner

Caticons: 4000 Years of Art Imitating Cats


VI.1 Video DVD or TV Production

Matt Carl

How to Trap, Neuter, Return Feral/Community Cats


VII.2 Online Article: Health & General Care

Kim Thornton

Kitten Fix


VII.3 Online Article: Behavior & Training

Ramona Marek

Fraidy Cat? How to Recognize Signs of Fear, Anxiety and Stress


VII.4 Online Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Bernadette Kazmarski

The Kitten Game


VII.5 Online Article: Any Other Topic

Beth Stultz

5 Tips for Purr-fect Cat-Sitting Visits


VII.6 Online Column

Phillip Mlynar

Monday Miracle

Pooh the Cat Lost His Back Legs — Then Got New Ones

Meatwad, Missing 2 Legs and 1 Ear, Is a “Blur of White Fluff”

Bullet the Cat Got His Name From What Almost Killed Him


VIII.1 Blog: Health & General Care

Patricia Fry

Catscapades blog: Keeping your Cat Healthy

Newsday Tuesday – Protect your Cat’s Health the Smart Way

Newsday Tuesday – Cat Claws Laws and Care

Thoughts for Thursday – Don’t Feed That to your Cat!


VIII.2 Blog: Behavior & Training

Yasaar Nakchbendi

Chirpy Cats blog: The Pathway to your Cat’s Heart is Through His World

5 Essential Must-Haves for a Happy Chirpy Cat

7 Tips to turn your Bully Cat into a Team Player

The Litter Box Rule that Cat Owners should Not Ignore


VIII.3 Blog: Rescue/Advocacy

Mollie Hunt

Crazy Cat Lady Mysteries and More blog

Adopting a Senior Cat

Black Cat Appreciation Day

Remember Me Thursday


VIII.4 Blog: Entertainment

Anita Aurit

Feline Opines blog: The World From A Feline Point Of View

The Three Feline Rules Regarding Furniture

Oliver and Alberto Get Fearless

A Feline’s Guide to Treadmill Snoopervising your Human


VIII.5 Blog: Any Other Topic

JaneA Kelley

Paws and Effect blog

How can I Keep my Senior Cat Healthy?

How to deal with Inappropriate Urination

What Color was the Father of our Kittens?


VIII.6 Website

Helen Fitzsimons

Tanya’s Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney website


Source: The Cat Writers’ Association of America.

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