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When You Need A Job Done, And A Friend…

Ask A Woman and Ask Dr. Horwitz.

I know she wouldn’t say that but I will. It’s not that I won’t celebrate men this year, for I’ve had so many give me opportunities throughout my career. But this choice had to be Dr. Horwitz and you’ll have to read to the end of this post to find out why. I could think of no one better to kick-off the Power of Pink Honoree program this year. We both started our careers at a time that was very different for women – certainly more so for her in the veterinary profession. But, that didn’t stop her from pursuing as she says, her dream job.

I first met Dr. Horwitz when our firm was handling the public relations for Ceva Animal Health’s Keep the L.O.V.E Alive Tour. It was a campaign created by the Stephens & Associates agency.  Our firm’s assignment was to add a media relations aspect to a commercial campaign already underway. The mastermind was Michelle Kaminski, then Ceva product manager.

The campaign’s colors ironically were pink and black. We recommended a co-sponsorship with the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists as Dr. Horwitz was public relations chair and Ceva already had a great working relationship with them. Both organizations were committed to raising awareness about the solutions for behavior problems could help solve pet relinquishment. It was a great partnership that for Goodnewsforpets, carried into a column on this site when the College published Decoding Your Dog.

I’ve had the privilege to work with dozens of experts not only since forming Germinder but in my prior agency life- CEOs, human health and veterinary medical professionals, national sports athletes, celebrities and national media talent. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the media spotlight. What always impressed me about Debra was her total professionalism and respect for what we do. We toured several cities that year. She always delivered a great interview, adapted to the changing schedule, was always punctual, never flustered, always quick and to the point, and never critical of process. (That can definitely seem like paint drying as you develop your campaign). We wanted better coverage because she was such a delight to work with and we were confident she could deliver.

Unbeknownst to her and the people on the tour, I discovered I had breast cancer in-between city tours. With all the people I could be working with, I truly believe someone up above was looking out for me. Our firm was able to finish the job. She didn’t know about my challenges then and unknowingly, she made it easy by not only being an expert but being so professional. Congratulations on being our First Power of Pink Honoree Dr. Horwitz, so well deserved, and a personal thank you from me.

Power of Pink: A Personal Story highlights my story. The Honoree program reflects on who I have met as leaders and those that have helped us achieve success along our 20 years of Germinder + Associates.

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