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Mindy Loves Jen

By Jenny Myer

Publisher’s Note: This column is the fourth in a series “countdown” highlighting the ten 10th Anniversary iPadTM contest winners, a bit of the “story behind the story. Winner Jenny Myers has been a tireless shelter volunteer at the Lee County Humane Society in Auburn, Alabama. As you can see by the video and pictures, her yellow Labrador Mindy is a great companion. Read her interview why she chose her local Lee Humane Society to receive her $500 matching donation to help other pets.

Why did you make your matching donation to the Lee County Humane Society when you won your iPad?

The Lee County Humane Society is the shelter near my school. I have volunteered much of my time there, and it is a place that I believe could really use a nice donation. Thank you so much for not only helping me out, but also helping out my shelter! You guys are great!!

How did you hear about and the contest? What appealed to you?

I found it when I heard about the contest at I was looking to find a way to win some type of computer technology. The reason I entered this contest as opposed to others is because there was more chances to win!

How are you using your iPad?

I’m using it for school work.

What makes you a dog person?

We had a couple of dogs when I was younger, but I wasn’t old enough to really appreciate them or be responsible for them. I’ve always wanted a yellow lab, though!

What makes Mindy a special dog?

When she was just 10 months old, we found out she has hip dyslpasia in both hips and luxating patellas in both knees. It took two surgeries to correct her right knee, and so far, she hasn’t had any surgeries on her other knee or hips. She’s such a strong girl and doesn’t show pain.

She loves to be around our family and take car rides. She’s usually shy around other dogs, though. She’s also helpful around the house. She’s super smart, too! Now I like to teach her new words and ask her, “Where’s your ___?” She’ll go find whatever it is in the house! One of her favorite chores in the house is to help get the mail. She and I will go to the mailbox, and I’ll hand her the junk mail. She’ll run it back to the house for a treat!

How has Mindy’s hip issue affected her?

Before her surgeries, she loved playing frisbee. Unfortunately, we believe that had a factor in her problems, so now we can’t play frisbee much more. She was intended to be my pet and to live with me in college. But, now she needs two walks a day, and I, unfortunately, cannot provide that for her. She lives with my parents, but I see her all the time!!

Lucky Mindy and lucky Jen — clearly showing the human-animal bond.

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