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Lots to Celebrate, Great Toys, Keeping Pets Safe, VMX Virtual and More

LeaAnn Holiday Christmas HeadshotWow, where has the year gone?! Here at we’ve been not only celebrating the season, but we’ve been busy elves gearing up for the 20th anniversary of next year.  We’ve already kicked off the celebration by announcing our sponsorship of the CWA 2020 conference and the Goodnewsforpets Human-Animal bond award with our original media partner, the Cat Writers’ Association. And, we’ve announced the finalists for the Dog Writers Association of America Goodnewsforpets Award, our second original media partner.

In the meantime, speaking of celebrating the season, we’ve got a few great holiday pet toys in our hot products section. While it isn’t always the case, these most recent products are from this year’s affiliation with Chewy. This handful of festive products have been curated from brands we know and products we’ve tried — and that we think you and your pets might enjoy. We’ve been selective in what we feature over the years and we hope you’ve enjoyed that selectivity.  In fact, if you want five specific products we recommend, you will find them here. Of course, these are just suggestions — you know what is best for your individual pet in consultation with your veterinarian.

Finally, while it’s great fun to talk about toys, we wouldn’t be true to our mission of bringing you good news about pets to leave out tips for pet safety. We’re also rerunning one of my favorite ACVB partnership columns from the Decoding Your Dog book authored by Ranny Green, another Goodnewsforpets legendary columnist.

The great news is, according to a report from, almost 80% of us are going to share our holiday traditions with our pets. That’s great survey news and I look forward to seeing those fun pictures of you with your pets on social media.

Finally, we are thrilled to spread the news of VMX Virtual supplemented by an interview with Manolita Moore, one of the Germinder20 Power of Pink Honorees. We wish you a very merry holiday season and again, we are looking forward to celebrating the 20th year of with you in 2020.

We are honored to have partnered with so many individuals and organizations in veterinary medicine and the pet industry over the years. I have much to be grateful for and look forward to celebrating both old and new relationships next year.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @goodnewsforpets and Twitter @goodnewsforpets.

Happy Holidays,

Lea-Ann Germinder

Disclosure: For Chewy products, if you click on the link and purchase a product, Goodnewsforpets receives a small commission to assist with the running of this site. See our terms and conditions here.

Goodnewsforpets Sponsors CWA Human-Animal Bond Award As An Early Start to 20th Anniversary Celebration

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