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Integrated Animal Health Brings Global Headquarters to Kansas City Animal Health Corridor

animal health

Company selects Lawrence, Kansas, citing its proximity to KU’s talent and research

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Integrated Animal Health (IAH) announced today that it will increase its footprint in the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor and bring its global headquarters to Lawrence, Kansas. The formerly Queensland, Australia-based animal health company also announced a permanent location at the Bioscience & Technology Business Center at the University of Kansas.  In February, IAH announced it selected the Corridor for its North American headquarters and commercial operations.

“IAH continues to evolve and grow rapidly.  As we looked at locales literally from the California coast to the Eastern seaboard, we kept coming back to the concentration of talent and opportunities in the Animal Health Corridor,” said Rob Neely, founder of IAH.   “We were struck by the work ethic of the area and the openness of the people and companies here to our breakthrough technologies.”

Dr. Blake Hawley, CEO of the Americas for IAH, added, “Locating in Lawrence and within the BTBC opens tremendous opportunities, not the least of which is tapping into a nationally recognized research institution like KU.  We are thrilled by the reception we have gotten here and look forward to exceptional national and international growth from this dynamic hub for animal feeding, care and health.”

Integrated Animal Health will initially lease 700 sq. ft. at the BTBC with options to expand as the company grows.  IAH expects to employ 51 within the next five years.  Integrated Animal Health becomes the 35th tenant company in the Bioscience & Technology Business Center, which includes two facilities in Lawrence and a third at KU Medical Center. 

“We are thrilled to not only welcome IAH and its North American headquarters and commercial operations, but now its global base of operations,” said Kimberly Young, president, KC Animal Health Corridor.  “The Corridor is home to the largest concentration of animal health industry assets in the world, and more and more companies are seeing the benefit of a Corridor location.”

 About Integrated Animal Health

Integrated Animal Health (IAH) is a privately owned and funded Australian company. IAH develops World First Animal Health products based on the patented TPM Delivery Technology. That technology delivers medicine and supplements both orally and through the skin. A notable creation of IAH is a topical pain relief patch for racehorses with shin soreness.

IAH’s core strategy is to work with compounds that are difficult to deliver to feed chain animals, companion pets, or performance animals around the globe. IAH is working with several top dairy companies because of their work to decrease clinical mastitis in dairy cows.

You can learn more about IAH at

About the KC Animal Health Corridor

Companies with a business location in the KC Animal Health Corridor account for more than half of the sales generated by the global animal health industry. The Corridor, anchored by Manhattan, Kansas, and Columbia, Missouri, is home to more than 300 animal health companies, representing the largest concentration in the world. For more information, visit

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