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Incoming AVMA President Challenges Leadership: “Carry our flag and wave it high”

Speaking before the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates, incoming AVMA President Dr. Joe Kinnarney stressed the importance of a strong national association to meet the evolving needs and expectations of the veterinary profession.

While calling this an exciting time for the AVMA, he said it is also a critical time for the association to be even more relevant and impactful for its membership. He challenged AVMA leadership to return to its entrepreneurial roots and develop programs that specifically address and meet the needs of AVMA members.

“It is critical for this association to understand member needs and then take actions to meet their needs and communicate back to them what we have done,” Dr. Kinnarney said.  “We need measurable programs that specifically meet these and other needs of a constantly evolving profession and marketplace.”

He added that “It is critical to our profession that we have a strong and effective AVMA. And we know that it is through the voices and perspectives of our diverse membership that we derive our strength. Through our shared passion we can accomplish great things.”

Dr. Kinnarney, who will assume the AVMA presidency on Tuesday, July 14, ended his speech by challenging AVMA’s leadership to “carry our flag and wave it high, and proclaim to the world the value that this great profession gives to mankind.”

Dr. Kinnarney has been an active participant in organized veterinary medicine since serving as president of the student chapter of the AVMA at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, where he received his veterinary degree. Dr. Kinnarney served on the AVMA House of Delegates for 17 years, spent two years as AVMA vice president and was a member of the AVMA Executive Board for six years.

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