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Hurricane Harvey: Aid for Veterinarians

avma avmf hurricane harvey relief

The dangers and damage caused by Hurricane Harvey and its days-long onslaught of rain are unique and unprecedented even in states accustomed to enduring hurricane season.

The AVMA is committed to help bring the veterinary profession together to assist colleagues in need, and we have been heartened to see the national response to this ongoing disaster.

AVMA members and partners across the profession reached out to the Association asking how to assist Harvey’s victims; and a broad range of organizations and partners in the animal health industry enacted plans to help those in need, including hotline assistance and in-kind products.

The AVMA’s role is to help disseminate information within the veterinary community and among animal lovers and advocates to ensure an immediate and helpful response.

Veterinarians affected by Harvey


Disaster Reimbursement Grants:

Assistance for Affected Animals and Clients:

If you want to help

Many veterinarians in the communities inundated by Harvey are providing their time and emergency services to care for and shelter affected animals. To support these veterinarians, please consider donating to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) to help fund veterinary reimbursement grants. Give at using the AVMF Code “Disaster Relief” to designate your money for this fund.

Despite the natural desire to volunteer or send in-kind donations to the area, there is no system in place to coordinate such efforts. Relief officials on the ground in the affected areas discourage in-kind donations and will turn away any would-be volunteers who are not already part of a team that is trained and credentialed.

Planning and preparing for disasters

For all who are not in the direct path of Harvey, the disaster is a stark reminder of the importance of planning and preparation in advance of disasters. Please take time to make an emergency plan for your home and business, and review your existing plan if you have one.

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