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Heading South: NAVC Kicks off Veterinary Conference Season

The North American Veterinary Conference is set to begin this coming weekend in Orlando, Florida.  This will be my 15th conference, so admittedly while I enjoy seeing what’s new in veterinary medicine as companies and organizations announce their plans, it is as much a time to reconnect with veterinary friends and colleagues and see how they have fared in 2010 AND their plans for 2011.  This conference is especially meaningful after reading all the contest entries for our 10th Anniversary contest — and the so important role a veterinarian can play in a pet’s care.  If you are pet owner, you might also enjoy visiting the American Veterinary Medical Association web site.  That’s another favorite conference, but doesn’t happen until July when the assembly of delegates elects new leadership.  There’s lots of other conferences in between and hopefully we’ll be able to report on some exciting new developments to help pets from the conferences  in the coming months.

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