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From Proof of Concept to Finding the K: KC Animal Health Corridor Delivers

I’ve written several blog posts here about the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor, and for good reason. The Corridor is a happening place in animal health and I’ve been so proud to be a part of it. As the Corridor unveils its Fourth Annual Investment Forum, my enthusiasm meter rises all over again. Applications are now being accepted for presenting companies for the program on Tuesday, August 28.  The format promises to be better than ever.  Now with the Center for Animal Health Innovation up and running, the Corridor’s offerings of support for early stage companies — from proof of concept to the Investment Forum providing a platform for raising capital (with a capital “K”) —  is stronger than ever.  If you haven’t checked into this aspect of the Corridor, it’s a great story, all told on the web site.  Check out the criteria to be a presenting company or register to attend.  It’s going to be a good one this year — as always. Next Corridor post, get ready for commentary on the Homecoming Hoedown, Monday, August 27 with more details to come.

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