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Fourth Of July Fireworks Are No Fun For Animals!

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe the Night Before the Busiest Day of the Year for U.S. Shelters

Independence Day may be fun for us, but for pets it can be frightening and even dangerous.  July 5th is the busiest day of the year at animal shelters as companion animals that fled in fright the night before are found miles from their homes, disoriented and exhausted. Anxious families often find themselves searching the streets and shelters looking for a treasured family member whose fear drove him to jump a high fence or break her leash or chain.

Fireworks and pets don’t mix, so learn how to keep your best friends safe and calm during the Independence Day festivities. (PRNewsfoto/American Humane)

If your pet is upset by thunder, a door slamming or other loud noises, Fourth of July fireworks will be utterly terrifying, so take these precautions:

“With a little care and preparation, the Fourth of July can be fun for people and safe for pets,” says Dr. Robin Ganzert, president and CEO of American Humane. “Let’s keep our best friends quiet and calm so we can continue to enjoy them come July 5.”


Source American Humane

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