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Renowned Cat Veterinarian, Author and Speaker: Elizabeth Colleran

This guest interview of  Dr. Elizabeth Colleran,  an ABVP Feline Diplomate is part of a series of interviews of the panelists appearing at the upcoming Cat Writer’s Association (CWA) Conference at Blogpaws ( June 23-25, 2016 in Chandler, AZ). Dr. Colleran is the chair of the Cat Friendly Practice task force. Her passion is feline education which has taken her around the country talking to veterinarians and support staff about feline medicine, behavior and ethology. Learn more about the Cat Friendly Practice initiative, ways to better understand your cat, their health needs, and also learn about her most recent course “The New Cat Science”  from Elizabeth Colleran at this year’s CWA 2016 Conference. Register here (

What influenced your decision to become a Veterinarian?

Out of college, I worked for a little company called IBM. I felt strongly that work should have value beyond making money for shareholders. I learned a great deal from the experience and yet knew that my future needed to be tied to community, animals, and the powerful relationship that people have with them. I went back to school at night to make up science credits, applied to the only school nearby, Tufts, and quit my job before I knew I got in. Crazy, no?

What in particular made you want to specialize/focus on feline health? 

In my first couple of years after my internship, I worked for doctors who didn’t care much for cats and didn’t treat them very well. I went to an American Association of Feline Practitioners meeting and found my kin and my passion. Attendees were dedicated to the science of feline medicine, understanding the unique nature of cats, and determined to improve their care. It was life changing. I decided that I would devote my professional life to making a difference in this amazing species.

What do you think is the most common misconception/misunderstanding of a cat owner when it comes to cats and their health?

What general advice do you have for cat owners to better understand their cats?

Unlike all the other species we have domesticated, cats are unchanged from their origins thousands of years ago. They remain territorial, solitary hunters with an entirely unique way of experiencing the world. And yet they have willingly bonded with us in powerful relationship. Who they are and how they experience us, other creatures and the rest of the world is often not understood well. This foundation information can help people learn what cats need to live a rich and interesting life.

You are the Co-Chair of the CFP Committee. What would you like people to understand most about this Initiative?

There are more than 1000 Cat Friendly Practices in the US. It is the single most significant effort to change the way cats and cat guardians experience the veterinary visit. Consistent healthcare is an essential component of a long wonderful life for everyone and maybe especially for cats because they age so much more rapidly than we do. We are creating a low-stress environment by taking into consideration how cats experience the world. Cat guardians no longer need to be reluctant to take care of their cats’ health needs.

You’re speaking about ‘The New Cat Science’ at this year’s Cat Writer’s Association Conference, can you give us a hint of what you will be talking about?

The world of cats is more fully understood now than ever before. Research is ongoing about how cars learn and how they think. They have rich emotional lives that we are beginning to understand. This species is unique in so many ways, not the least of which is that they are willing to be bonded with us. Many, many attempts have been made to domesticate other hunter-hyper carnivores with little success. Only Felis lybica has willingly done so. I teach a semester long class on “the new cat science” at my local college. That’s how much there is to know!

What do you hope your attendees take away from your presentation? 
If they leave excited about Cat Friendly Practice and the potential to vastly improve healthcare for cats and committed to educating their readers about who cats are and how they can enrich their lives, I will be delighted. I want them to leave charged up and energized about their future writing engagements.

What message do you hope Cat Writers start sharing with their audience about feline health or cats in general?

What is your proudest accomplishment as a leader in feline veterinary medicine?
Every time I meet with veterinary staff or give a talk at a meeting and someone leaves with an idea of how to improve their feline visit or feline medicine, I am beyond delighted. It is the small steps that add up to real change, not gigantic initiatives. We humans can have a great impact on every cat’s quality of life

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 
We are now poised to tell cat guardians to look for Cat Friendly Practices because there are more than 1000 of them and 640 more in the process. Veterinary staff who have made this commitment will be sought out for health care because they know it will be comfortable, safe and compassionate.

To learn more about the Cat Writers: Click Here

The read more about Dr. Colleran or AAFP

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