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Dr. Douglas Kratt selected as 2019-2020 AVMA president-elect

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) selected Dr. Douglas Kratt as president-elect during the House of Delegates session at the AVMA 2019 Convention on Aug. 2.

Dr. Kratt is a small animal practitioner from La Crosse, Wisconsin, where he is currently president of the Central Animal Hospital. His medical interests include surgery, nutrition, and wellness care and prevention.

During his campaign, Dr. Kratt emphasized vision, collaboration and innovation. “What is my agenda when I become president? I don’t have an agenda,” said Dr. Kratt. “A leader listens to the members and follows the strategic plan of the organization and does not push a personal agenda; they are a steward of the organization. A leader may assist in the big vision of the design, but they also play one of the Lego blocks in that design.”

Prior to his election, he served as Wisconsin’s delegate in the AVMA House of Delegates and president of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association. He has also served on AVMA’s House Advisory Committee, Strategic Management Committee and Task Force on Volunteer Engagement. Additionally, Dr. Kratt is graduate of the 2012-2013 AVMA Future Leaders program.

Dr. Kratt is a 1998 graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. He will officially begin his term as president during the AVMA 2020 Convention, which takes place in San Diego from July 31-Aug. 4.

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