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Dale Inducted Into Dogwriters Hall of Fame

New York " February 27, 2012 "’s first columnist, Steve Dale, who was instrumental in launching the site, has been inducted into the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA) Hall of Fame. Dale, a well-known journalist and champion for pets, received recognition for his accomplishments at the annual DWAA awards held at the Affinia Manhattan Hotel. In 2005, the DWAA created their Hall of Fame for individuals who exemplify lifetime achievement and distinguished contributions to the benefit of all dogs, the dog sports, and those who care for them.

“Steve Dale earned this award for his celebrated accomplishments as a journalist, author, pet advocate, and legendary TV and radio personality. He is a prolific writer and his activitsm on behalf of pets is well-known. He is the youngest person to be inducted into the DWAA Hall of Fame, and it is well deserved,” said Dr. Carmen Battaglia, DWAA president.

To be considered for a Hall of Fame nomination, the candidate must possess a high level of contribution to the field of dog journalism, a recognized level of professionalism and respect amongst his or her peers, and possession of a name immediately recognized by both colleagues and the public as an expert in canine writing.

“This is one of the greatest honors of my career,” says Dale. “I’m glad to know that I’ve made a difference for companion animals " and even more gratifying have made a difference to families since pets are members of the family. Most of all, this award come from my colleagues " who I admire.

Steve Dale is the author of the twice weekly syndicated newspaper column “My Pet World” (Tribune Media Services). He’s also the host of nationally syndicated radio programs Steve Dale’s Pet World, The Pet Minute; and he’s a contributor to WGN Radio, Chicago and is broadcasts prodcast for the station. He’s also a contributing editor at USA Weekend. He is a regular on TV shows featuring pets, and is blogs at Steve is the board of directors of the American Humane Association, Winn Feline Foundation, CATalyst Council and Tree House Humane Society, Chicago. .

Steve’s activism has helped make it possible for Chicago restaurants to allow dogs to dine outdoors. Steve also helps communities to fight breed specific bans, and advises on animal assisted therapy. He’s the recipient of many awards including the prestigious AVMA Humane Award (highest honor to a non-veterinarian), Syndicated General Feature Newspaper Writer of the Year (from Editor & Publisher), American Kennel Club Responsible Dog Ownership Award, Winn Feline Foundation Media Award, American Humane Association Media Award, Cat Writers’ Association Shojai Mentor Award, and Humane Society of the United States Pets for Life Award. And he’s been honored with the Dog Writer’s Association Distinguished Service Award.

“Without Steve Dale there would be no, and I would not have met so many of my dear cat writer and dog writer friends. When I brought the concept to him in 1999, he immediately said he would join on, which added instant credibility to the site. That is the kind of person Steve is. Willing to help, and always willing to champion initiatives that are positive for pets. Bravo on this award, Steve " well deserved,” said Lea-Ann Germinder, publisher of

Dale’s dog and cat writing colleagues have awarded Steve many times for Best Newspaper Column, Best Newspaper Feature, Best Radio Broadcast and Best Website. He has been a member of DWAA since 1995. For more information, visit

The DWAA was founded in 1935 in the meeting room of the Westminster Kennel club. The annual awards banquet recognizes and rewards those writers who have distinguished themselves in the annual writing contest. The annual event is open to members and non members. For more information, visit Previous DWAA Hall of Fame inductees include:

Steve Dale Biography

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