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CWA Muse Medallion Finalists Named In Houston June 9: Tickets Still On Sale

Gray fluffy kitten in a basket, coffee and a phone on a white surface


UPDATED – June 4, 2018

This Saturday June 9th the finalists for the MUSE Medallion in their category will be announced for all Certificate of Excellence winning entries (plus Special Awards) and presented to the winners at the CWA Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, June 9, 2018, in conjunction with the CWA Conference in Houston, TX.  To register for tickets, click here.

Certificates of Excellence for the Cat Writers’ Association of America (CWA) Communications Contest covering the calendar year 2017 have been chosen. Each entry was independently judged by 3 Professional CWA members. Winning a Certificate of Excellence means that the average of those three judges’ scores for the entry is 90 or above — a high bar to cross. Following are the finalists again:

I.1 Monthly Magazine: National

Keiger, Teresa         Cat Talk magazine

October 2017 issue

December, 2017 issue

June, 2017 issue

I.2 Magazine Article: Health & General Care

Thornton, Kim          New Advice on Sterilizing Kittens: Earlier is Better

I.3 Magazine Article: Behavior & Training

No entries

I.4 Magazine Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Jackson, Candine Lee       Hawaii’s Cat Sanctuary

I.5 Magazine Article: Any Other Topic

Drury, Lucy                Cat Genetics 101 – Part 1: The Basics

Drury, Lucy                Cat Genetics 101 – Part 2: Feline Genetic Testing

Jackson, Candine Lee

How’d They Do That? The Story Behind the “Cat Herders” Commercial

Mlynar, Phillip           Steppin’ Out with Adventure Cats

Mlynar, Phillip           Cat Lady Revolution

Reeder, Jen              Holy Guacamole

 I.6 Magazine Column

Kelley, JaneA            Life with Cattitude: Keep it Clean

 II.1 Newspaper Article: Health & General Care

No entries

II.2 Newspaper Article: Behavior & Training

No entries

II.3 Newspaper Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Reeder, Jen              Oldies but Goodies

 II.4 Newspaper Article: Any Other Topic

No entries

II.5 Newspaper Column

Camp, Deborah

The Best of the Pet World

Some Animals Rely on Strangers for Survival

Pets are Part of Our Family — Vets Are Too

Lost Kitty Found through Social Media

III.1 Newsletter: Breed Specific

No entries

III.2 Newsletter: National Circulation

Eldredge, Deb M. DVM (with Cindy Foley DVM) Cornell University CatWatch

Foley, Cindy DVM (with Deb M. Eldredge DVM) Cornell University CatWatch

Holton, Louise         Alley Cat Rescue Winter 2017 Annual Report

Holton, Louise         Alley Cat Rescue Spring 2017 Newsletter

Holton, Louise         Alley Cat Rescue Fall 2017 Newsletter

III.3 Newsletter: Regional or Membership Circulation

No entries

III.4 Newsletter Article: Health & General Care

Eldredge, Deb M., DVM      Take Charge of your Cat’s Dental Health

Eldredge, Deb M., DVM      Senior Cats Need your Attention

Eldredge, Deb M., DVM      Halitosis in Cats

Marek, Ramona                    The Trigger for FISS Remains a Mystery

Marek, Ramona                    Caring for the At-Home Cancer Patient

Thornton, Kim                      Ticks become a Full-Time Menace

Thornton, Kim                      Research looks at Skin Microbiome of Cats

III.5 Newsletter Article: Behavior & Training

Eldredge, Kate            Teach your Cat to Like her Carrier

III.6 Newsletter Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Carl, Matt                   ACR Sends Team to Help Pets Affected by Hurricane Harvey

III.7 Newsletter Article: Any Other Topic

Eldredge, Kate         Traveling with your Cat

Marek, Ramona       Make Sure your Cat’s Microchip Works!

III.8 Newsletter Column

Garson, Lyn T.          Technically Speaking: Can Cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia Live Happy, Healthy Lives?

Timothy’s View

Keep your Pets, Get Rid of your Allergies

 IV.1 Short Story

Barnes, Deborah     Jazmine’s Story… By Mr. Jazz

DeLouise, Debbie    The Path to Rainbow Bridge

Holm, Catherine      The Ragdoll’s Dance

Hunt, Mollie              The Dream Spinner

Kelley, JaneA            Belladonna – Sweet Sugar Kitty

Lapierre, Melissa      My Visit to the Rainbow Bridge: A Short Story

Richman, Lisa          Allie: My Fair Kitten

Willett, Susan           Jewish Cat’s Purr-spective on Hanukkah and Christmas

IV.2 Poem

Hunt, Mollie               Tyler

Willett, Susan           Haiku by Cat: Liquids

Willett, Susan           Haiku by Cat: Evil

Willett, Susan           Haiku by Cat: Broccoli

IV.3 Humor

No Certificate winners

IV.4 Brochure, Pamphlet, or Short Publication

No entries

IV.5 Annual or Long Publication

Gregg, Paula                          2018 Blogging Cats Weekly Planner

Kazmarski, Bernadette

Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2018: Pittsburgh C.A.T. Calendar

IV.6 Opinion Piece, Essay, or Editorial

No Certificate winners

IV.7 PR / Humane Education / Press Kits

Grant, Brianna          Alley Cat Rescue calls on Australian municipality to reverse

community cat bounty

V.1 Books: Fiction

Faber, Elaine             All Things Cat

Hunt, Mollie              Cat Call

McConchie, Lyn        Bastet’s Daughters

Murphy, Shirley Rousseau

Cat Shining Bright

Simon, Clea               As Dark as My Fur

Ward, Sandi               The Astonishing Thing

Watkins, Eileen         The Persian Always Meows Twice

V.2 Books: For Children

Redinger, Austin         Caring for your Kitty

V.3 Books: Health & General Care

No entries

V.4 Books: Behavior & Training

No entries

V.5 Books: Gift

Wilde, Layla Morgan     Black Cats Tell All: True Tales and Inspiring Images

V.6 Books: Poetry

Pittman, Vicky                  Cat Haiku: Sweet Verses

V.7 Books: Other

Fleck, Denise                     The Pet Safety Crusader’s My Pet & Me Guide to Disaster PAWparedness

Garza, Janiss                      Rescued Volume 2: The Healing Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes

Lerner, Sandy                    Caticons: 4000 Years of Art Imitating Cats

Telson, Jeffyne                  Cat Tails: Heartwarming Stories about the Cats and Kittens of ResQCats

VI.1 Video, DVD or TV Production

Carl, Matt                             How to Trap, Neuter, Return Feral/Community Cats

VI.2 Broadcast, Audio – Any Format

No entries

VII.1 Online Magazine or Newsletter

No entries

VII.2 Online Article: Health & General Care

Bahner, Sally                        Taming the Longhair’s Locks

Kelley, JaneA                        Is Pet Insurance Worth the Cost?

Lapierre, Melissa                Mudpie’s Vaccination Scare… And what we’ll do differently next time

Marek, Ramona                   Proper Feline Diet is Not Vegan

Thornton, Kim                      Skin Deep

Thornton, Kim                      Kitten Fix

Thornton, Kim                      Claw and Order

Willett, Susan                       Almost as Good as a Spa Day: Taking Your Cat to the Vet Doesn’t Have

to Be Stressful

Willett, Susan                       8 Ways (And a Whole Bunch of Tips) To Make Your Cat Happy, and Keep

Your Cat Healthy

VII.3 Online Article: Behavior & Training

Bahner, Sally                        Clawful Behavior

Barnes, Deborah                 With Cats and the Holidays, It’s Not About Who’s Naughty or Nice, It”s About Cat Behavior

Barnes, Deborah                 Is your Cat Feeling Stir Crazy? 10 Tips to Relieve Boredom in an Everyday Environment

Barnes, Deborah                 Cat that Doesn’t Like to be Hugged? He or She Might be More Affectionate than you Think

Garza, Janiss                       Leash Training for a Happier, More Confident Cat

Garza, Janiss                       How to Introduce Yourself to a Cat: 5 Cat-Centric Tips

Marek, Ramona                   Get the Scoop on Litter Box Behavior

Marek, Ramona                   Fraidy Cat? How to Recognize Signs of Fear, Anxiety and Stress

Munera, Jacqueline           Cat Training: “But it’s So Difficult!”

Nakchbendi, Yasaar           Why Food Puzzles are Vital to Cat Health

Thornton, Kim                     Kitty Come Home

VII.4 Online Article: Rescue/Advocacy

Garza, Janiss                       Change a Pet’s Life Today: The Art of Fostering Kittens

Kazmarski, Bernadette       TNR With a Side of Adoption and Outreach

Kazmarski, Bernadette       The Kitten Game

White, Dawn                         A Haven for Cats on Long Island – The Patricia H. Ladew Foundation

VII.5 Online Article: Any Other Topic

Ahrens, Tracy                       How to Sing to your Cats

Bahner, Sally                        A Kitty for Christmas? Preparation is Key

Barnes, Deborah                 How I Overcame my Fear of the Veterinarian for National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

Barnes, Deborah                 10 Tips to Help Children with the Death of a Pet Catp

Dawson, Marjorie                The Cat DNA Test from Basepaws: A Journey of Discovery for Cat Health

Garza, Janiss                        Therapy Cat Rules

Garza, Janiss                       How to Travel with your Cat on an Airplane

Grant, Brianna                     Anne Arundel County Residents: Ask your Council Members to Support Bill 96-17

Lapierre, Melissa                A Decade of Tortitude: The Magic & Mystique of my Heart Cats

Lapierre, Melissa                5 Ways Catios Make Cats Happy & Healthy

Simon, Clea                          Musetta in the Bardo

Stultz, Beth                            5 Tips for Purr-fect Cat-Sitting Visits

Thornton, Kim                      Purr Therapy

Willett, Susan                       What Happens to the Cat on Stranger Things? A spoiler for animal lovers

VII.6 Online Column

Lapierre, Melissa                The Purrfect 10

The Purrfect 10: Things to Know about Microchipping your Cat

The Purrfect 10: Ways to Keep your Cat Properly Hydrated

The Purrfect 10: Fascinating Facts about the Devon Rex

Mlynar, Phillip                    Social Cat of the Week

Munster the Werewolf Cat Stalks, Leaps … and Naps

Fredrick, Lilly and Franklin Are Painting Instagram Orange

Instagram Fame Might Be Only a First Step for Two-Tone Yana

Mlynar, Phillip                    Monday Miracle

Pooh the Cat Lost His Back Legs — Then Got New Ones

Meatwad, Missing 2 Legs and 1 Ear, Is a “Blur of White Fluff”

Bullet the Cat Got His Name From What Almost Killed Him

VIII.1 -Blog: Health & General Care (URL plus 3 blog posts)

Fry, Patricia                       Catscapades blog: Keeping your Cat Healthy

Newsday Tuesday – Protect your Cat’s Health the Smart Way

Newsday Tuesday – Cat Claws Laws and Care

Thoughts for Thursday – Don’t Feed That to your Cat!

VIII.2 -Blog: Behavior & Training (URL plus 3 blog posts)

Hunt, Mollie                      Crazy Cat Lady Mysteries and More blog

How to Play with Cats

10 Ways to “Cat” in 2017


Nakchbendi, Yasaar         Chirpy Cats blog: The Pathway to your Cat’s Heart is Through His World

5 Essential Must-Haves for a Happy Chirpy Cat

7 Tips to turn your Bully Cat into a Team Player

The Litter Box Rule that Cat Owners should Not Ignore

VIII.3 -Blog: Rescue/Advocacy (URL plus 3 blog posts)

Hunt, Mollie                       Crazy Cat Lady Mysteries and More blog

Adopting a Senior Cat

Black Cat Appreciation Day

Remember Me Thursday

VIII.4 -Blog: Entertainment (URL plus 3 blog posts)

Aurit, Anita                         Feline Opines blog: The World From A Feline Point Of View

Oliver and Alberto Get Fearless

A Feline’s Guide to Treadmill Snoopervising your Human

The Three Feline Rules Regarding Furniture

Nakchbendi, Yasaar           Chirpy Cats blog: Scratching Posts Secrets Revealed

The Silent Treatment

Cats Scratch Their Sticky Note Texts

The Watercooler of the Cat World

VIII.5 -Blog: Any Other Topic (URL plus 3 blog posts)

Fry, Patricia                         Catscapades blog: Series on Travel with Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How to take your cat


Newsday Tuesday – The Cat’s Passport

Mindful Monday – Cats Riding in Cars

Kelley, JaneA                       Paws and Effect blog

How can I Keep my Senior Cat Healthy?

How to deal with Inappropriate Urination

What Color was the Father of our Kittens?

VIII.6 Website

Fitzsimons, Helen             Tanya’s Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney website

IX.1 Black & White Photograph (Single)

No Certificate winners

IX.2 Black & White Photography (Series)

Carl, Matt                             Babies Bath Time

IX.3 Color Photograph (Single)

Carl, Matt                           Diva Cat

Garza, Janiss                     Summer Fun

Garza, Janiss                    Making Friends

Richman, Lisa                  Groundhog ‘Job Shadow’ Day”

Willett, Susan                   Elsa Clair rules the stairs

Willett, Susan                   Calvin is shocked

IX.4 Color Photograph (Series)

No Certificate winners

IX.5 Photographic Art

Richman, Lisa                 Maxwell’s Musings

IX.6 Cartoon

Piro, Stephanie              Me-Out

Piro, Stephanie             Attack

Piro, Stephanie             Align

Runcie-Unger, Marc-André (storyboards, blog)

Three cartoon posts from Katzenworld blog

(with Elisabetta Palmieri, drawings)

1. Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – The Struggles ofNubia

2.  Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – Oliver and the @Amazonecho, what will he do?

3. Merry Christmas

Palmeri. Elisabetta (drawings)

Three cartoon posts from Katzenworld blog

(with Marc-André Runcie-Unger)

1. Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – The Struggles of Nubia

2. Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – Oliver and the @Amazonecho, what will he do?

3. Merry Christmas

IX.7 Illustration (Single)

Nakchbendi, Yasaar   5 Ways to a Happy, Enriched Cat

Happy Cat Month graphic

Happy Cat Month pin

IX.8 Illustration (Series)

Franco, Widad             Widycat Cat Calendar

Kazmarski, Bernadette

Book cover illustration and design: Klepto Cat Mystery Series 21-26

Merriment, Mayhem and Meows

A Christmas to Purr About

Cattywampus Travels

Cats in the Belfry

CATalyst for Clues

The Perilous PURRsuit

Nakchbendi, Yasaar

Caturday Doodles – Scratching Post Secrets Revealed

Lexi Leaves a Message for Lola



Why your Cat Scratches and What it Means

Doodle – Pixie

Doodle – Pixie and Zorro: How Cats Send Text Messages

Caturday Doodle – Zorro

Nichols, Karen            Cat Scouts 2018 Calendar

Redinger, Austin        Caring for your Kitty

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