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CWA Announces 2022 Communications Contest

The Cat Writers Association has announced the 2022 Communications Contest. The Contest covers the period of january 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. The submission period runs from April 1 to May 7, 2022 (deadline extended from April 30, 2022). Entrants must pay for the entries before the end of the submission period. Before submitting, CWA asks entrants read through all the contest materials.

For 2022, CWA will only accept entries via the online entry form. Additionally, the rules have been revised for the general rules and categories. Highlights of the changes may be found in the document, “Important changes: Please read!” Additional documents you should review before submitting entries:

Entry fees: You must be a CWA member in good standing (current on dues) as of February 20, 2022 to qualify for the member entry rate.

Judging: If CWA members are interested in judging the regular categories this year (Professional Members only), complete the Google Form, CWA Professional Member Volunteer Judge Preferences.

Questions, comments or suggestions: CWA welcome questions, comments or suggestions! Please email Contest Chair, Katherine Kern, at

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