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Meoowz to Cat Writers, And Oh Yes, We Have a Birthday Today!

As we enter a holiday weekend to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we joyously celebrate all our friends at Cat Writers, and today, the 18th birthday of Germinder & Associates, our parent agency.  Now in its 16th year, was launched two years later when Amy Shojai, then president of the CWA said, “yes to the site” and began a 16 year collaboration that is still going strong.

More than three dozen Muse Medallions and over $11,000 in prize were awarded. Several special awards were given. I also presented the Human Animal Bond Award sponsored by Germinder & Associates at the CWA banquet the following evening. Ramona Marek won the award for the entry that best reflected and promoted the strengthening of the human-animal bond, highlighting the bond between a cat and owner, as well as their relationship with their veterinarian as another direct caregiver. We will be interviewing Ramona and several other award winners in upcoming issues of, but we decided to first check in with Arden Moore, the contest chair for her perspective.
I’m also celebrating today as we are entering a new exciting chapter at Goodnewsforpets in our collaboration with bloggers. Last week, I got back to my roots as I presented “Shout About It! Publicity, Marketing & PR for Books, Blogs & Causes for a session at the CWA panel at BlogPaws2016.  I had presented media training panels several times for our CWA friends in years past. I was honored to present to a packed audience, but the best part was the collaboration, the collegiality as the community shared their own best practices. We discussed tips and trends and best practices for twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and my favorite new platform, SnapChat. That’s what CWA is all about, networking and sharing of veterans and newbies alike, and I’m so proud to say I’m a CWA member. Watch for more on this on as well.

Congratulations to Cat Writers, Happy Birthday to Germinder & Associates, Happy Fourth to Everyone! Let the celebrations…continue!



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