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Cause to Celebrate and Then Some

Today we are officially unveiling the new Germinder + Associates logo and launching the Germinder 20th Anniversary Year celebration. germinder

Germinder is the parent company of Goodnewsforpets. I’m delighted the new logo includes the Goodnewsforpets and GNFP Digital dog and cat and not only ties us all together as a family of brands but represents something very personal to me.

As our release indicates, while the pink represents a corporate message that Germinder is a wholly woman-owned company, pink is the color commonly used to draw attention to breast cancer awareness.  And, as of December 2017, I officially past my five year mark as a breast cancer survivor.

When I was in the “thick of things” I didn’t entirely embrace the pink and I wasn’t very public about that particular battle. in fact, my oncologist at Weill Cornell still says every day without cancer is a good day. I’ll take that and I know many others that will too! But as time has gone on and we neared the #Germinder20 benchmark and my own five year benchmark, the current conversation about women’s issues changed my mind.  My portion of the 20th Anniversary celebration, The “Power of Pink: A Personal Story” will unfold as the year progresses in I hope to be meaningful ways.

What does this have to do with Goodnewsforpets? Everything! Goodnewsforpets is part of my Power of Pink story. It was launched in 2000, with Amy Davis and Shelli Manning, two very talented women I had hired at a previous agency, two years after I launched Germinder.  It was through their commitment and dedication and others that we were ready to launch at Western Veterinary Conference that year, and produced so many issues of Goodnewsforpets.

I have met so many wonderful people through this venture – Julie Lux as our first editor, writers like Ranny Green, Kim Thornton and Dusty Rainbolt, and our first columnists Steve Dale and the legendary Mordecai Siegal. There’s been so many guest interviews I’ll need a separate post. Pet parents, sponsors like Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Ceva Animal Health, Zoetis, you name it, the list goes on and on. Stay tuned as there is more to come with our list of Honorees. It’s going to be a great celebration.

Lea-Ann Germinder


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