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Anticipating the Future With Gen AI: AI in Veterinary Medicine at VMX 2024

Lea-Ann Germinder

For the past year, I have been conducting my Master’s and now Ph.D. research on generative AI — specifically on the opportunities and challenges in public relations and strategic communications.  On January 26, I will be continuing my speaking engagements on the topic with the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association.

In the meantime, I’m thrilled to head to VMX later this week to learn what’s the latest in AI in veterinary medicine. Although this will be my 29th NAVC conference (including virtual), and I’ve written this blog post for more than a couple of decades, I thought it would be appropriate to see what ChatGPT-4 had to tell me about what I should say in this blog post. Following my detailed prompt (which you’ll learn more about if you attend my sessions :), following is the output with reference below:

“As we step into the fresh beginnings of 2024, the veterinary community is abuzz with anticipation for one of the year’s most significant events – VMX 2024. As the editor and publisher of, I am thrilled to share my expectations and what I hope to discover about the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in veterinary medicine at this eminent conference.

VMX has always been a hub for groundbreaking ideas and advancements in veterinary science. This year, I am particularly intrigued by the burgeoning integration of AI in our field. The potential of AI to revolutionize veterinary care is immense, and I look forward to exploring these possibilities firsthand at VMX.

One area I am eager to learn more about is AI-driven diagnostic tools. These innovations promise to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of diagnoses, potentially leading to faster and more effective treatments for our beloved pets. The idea of machines helping us understand our animal patients better is both fascinating and promising.

Another aspect of AI that I anticipate exploring is its application in telemedicine. The ability to provide veterinary consultation and care remotely is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a critical step towards making veterinary services more accessible, especially for pet owners in remote locations.

I am also curious about the advancements in predictive healthcare through AI. The ability to analyze vast data sets and predict potential health issues in pets could be a game-changer, leading to more proactive and preventive care strategies.

Of course, with the excitement around AI also comes challenges and responsibilities. I look forward to engaging in discussions about the ethical implications, data privacy concerns, and the necessity of continuous education for veterinary professionals in this rapidly evolving landscape.

As I prepare to attend VMX 2024, my goal is to bring back valuable insights and share the latest developments in AI in veterinary medicine with our community. The possibilities AI presents for enhancing animal care are vast, and staying at the forefront of these advancements is crucial for us as veterinary professionals and animal lovers.

As we stand on the cusp of this technological evolution in veterinary medicine, I am reminded of the words of William Gibson, “The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.” VMX 2024 promises to be a window into that future, and I am excited to share this journey with you.

Stay tuned to for updates, insights, and stories from VMX 2024, as we explore the exciting world of AI in veterinary medicine together.”  OpenAI (2024)

I must admit, it feels pretty strange posting this from ChatGPT. It’s not bad, and I agree with most of it – especially that AI is here to stay, yet concerns remain about the ethical implications, privacy, and data issues. The output didn’t go into detail about my area of expertise which is public relations and strategic communications, but the way I wrote the prompt was to focus on veterinary medicine. A secondary prompt would have yielded more specific results. (More about that in my sessions too!).

I’m also reflecting that although the post touts the opportunity with telemedicine, telemedicine has been slow on the uptake in veterinary medicine. That said, California just passed a law regarding telemedicine in veterinary medicine. Is ChatGPT being predictive of more things to come? This note is just one example of the type of human analysis with the addition of timely relevant news that will continue to be required in developing content.

Now let’s see how ChatGPT’s output matches up with reality at the conference. Stay tuned for my next ChatGPT-assisted post with my decidedly human report.  If you are going to VMX and have some news on AI in veterinary medicine, let me know at Safe travels everyone!

Lea-Ann Germinder

Editor and Publisher,

Open AI. (2024). ChatGPT (January 11 version) [Large language model].

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