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A Show of Appreciation for Lux, Lucky Me!

Lea Ann GerminderThere are some people you meet in your career that you just stay in touch with long after your paths have ceased crossing on a frequent basis. You may not work with them every day but you want to stay in touch because you respect their opinion, you know you can count on them to listen no matter what the occasion, and frankly, you are interested in what they are doing. One of those “persons” will give you their counsel in a measured way that will make you feel better about matters large and small. A person that will take in the seemingly largest of problems and make them seem not quite so large and you will have a laugh or two. You get each other.

To me that’s Julie Lux, the tenth Germinder20 Power of Pink Honoree that was announced today. We go way back in our Kansas City days to when she was a host at KSHB-TV and I was trying to convince her why my latest client was worthy of her show.  Thankfully she never lorded that over me! No, just as Julie describes in her interview, she is always willing to dive right in when a job is to be done or a challenge to be had. That’s what I always appreciated about her when we worked together on Goodnewsforpets and on Germinder + Associates projects.

But there’s another quality I have always admired in Julie and that is her passionate commitment to her dogs and the dog world. She isn’t flashy about it but “boy” does she know dogs, and loves them in so many ways through her various activities. I’ve admired her dual success for a long time and now thrilled to celebrate her story on

Thanks for all you’ve done at Goodnewsforpets and Germinder + Associates Julie to get us launched, and for what you continue to do for the animal health industry and for the dogs you love. Lucky them and lucky me!


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