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Cat Lovers Alert: 2017 Survey Reveals 99% Satisfaction Rate Among Cat Friendly Practices

aafp cat friendly practice cat vet american association of feline practioners

Editor’s Note: Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, this month’s Power of Pink Honoree, is Co-Chair of the Cat Friendly Practice. We take a look at the program’s impressive results to date. These results were originally published by Goodnewsforpets in January, 2018.

The Cat Friendly Practice® Program’s Influence on Feline Medicine Continues to Grow

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) announced the results of its 2017 Cat Friendly Practice® (CFP) Survey in January, 2018. This provides an in-depth look at the effect this program is having on feline healthcare and the veterinary industry. The 2017 survey displays incredible results, including a 99% satisfaction rate among participants. The program continues to grow and positively influence veterinary care for cats, caregivers, and veterinary teams.

A few of the impressive results from the 2017 CFP respondents are:

Survey respondents reported the following as the top benefits they experience from the Cat Friendly Practice® Program:

The 2017 CFP Survey demonstrates that participating veterinary practices and cat owners are exceedingly pleased with the results and positive impact upon implementing the CFP program. “The survey results speak for themselves,” states Heather O’Steen, CAE, CEO of the AAFP. “We encourage any practice that has feline patients to learn more about becoming a Cat Friendly Practice®. The program is an AAFP membership benefit with no additional charges, and there are many resources to walk you through the process. Implementing just a few cat-friendly strategies can make a huge difference in the experience for the cat, caregiver, and your entire veterinary team.”

Launched in 2012, the Cat Friendly Practice® program is a worldwide collaboration of feline experts who provide guidelines with recommendations specifically for cats. The AAFP was the first major veterinary organization in North America to implement a coordinated approach to minimize stress associated with veterinary visits for cats, caregivers, and the veterinary team. By creating a supportive environment of veterinary staff who understand cats’ unique needs and behaviors, and acknowledging the essential role of the cat caregiver before and during the visit, cats can have a more positive veterinary experience. As of January 17, 2018, the AAFP has designated 1,190 Cat Friendly Practices®.

The AAFP expresses deep appreciation to our industry and organizational partners. The program is sponsored by Bayer Healthcare, Zoetis, Ceva Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, and Purina, as well as supported by Kit4Cat and Wedgewood Pharmacy. The program is endorsed by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians, CATalyst Council, Cat Health, and the Winn Feline Foundation.

More information:


Source American Association of Feline Practitioners

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